FedEx founder on innovation, climate change, and Amazon

February 07, 2023 • In the Media

This article by Sara Brown was originally published as part of MIT Sloan School of Management's Ideas Made to Matter series. Read the entire article here.

Assessing the State of Supply Chain Sustainability

February 06, 2023 • In the Media

In SupplyChainBrain, MIT Freight Lab Co-director David Correll writes about supply chain sustainability research and what changes to expect in the coming years.

State of Supply Chain Sustainability 2023 launches data collection

February 01, 2023 • News
The survey is open through February 28, 2023. Share your perspective and observations to help CTL gain a full understanding of the current state of supply chain sustainability.

PhD candidate Steven Parks awarded prestigious Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship

January 25, 2023 • News
Steven Parks

Steven Parks, a third-year PhD candidate and research assistant in the Megacity Logistics Lab, was awarded a fellowship through the Federal Highway Administration’s Dwight

Top 10: Supply Chain & Logistics Colleges in the US

January 24, 2023 • In the Media

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics' SCM program has been listed among Supply Chain Digital's list of top US college programs!

"This program is consistently ranked as one of the top programs in the world. The MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics moves leading-edge research from MIT’s labs to the global marketplace through its educational programs."

View the whole list on SupplyChain Digital

Sustainable Supply Chains Put the Customer First

January 04, 2023 • In the Media

MIT News discusses with Josué C. Velázquez Martínez about his focus on logistics sustainability and small firms in emerging markets.

MITx MicroMasters program celebrates 1 millionth enrollment

December 20, 2022 • News
A milestone in the evolution of education in the supply chain field was reached at the end of September, with the one-millionth enrollment in the MITx MicroMasters Program in Supply Chain Management (SCM). The landmark number reflects both the success of the program and the changes transforming professional education as more learners turn to online programs to gain knowledge and improve their lives. MIT CTL, edX, and MITx celebrated the most recent group of program credential earners along with this milestone on Dec 7 with a live webinar celebration. Here are some clips from the event.

Repeated Routes Reduce Driver Dwell Time at Shippers, MIT Researcher Says

December 14, 2022 • In the Media

MIT FreightLab Co-Director David Correll discussed how sharing data among shippers, brokers, and carriers could address recurring issues in FreightWaves.

“The amount of dwell that we expect a driver to experience at a facility drops almost exponentially with repeated visits to that facility,” Correll said. “The brass tacks implication of that is that keeping people in the supply chain with consistent routes or consistent route expectations leads to things running more smoothly and effectively.

Online or In-store? A Guide to Climate-friendly Clothes Shopping.

December 13, 2022 • In the Media

Fast shipping can get products into the hands of the consumer very quickly, but MIT Sustainable Supply Chain Lab Director Josué C. Velázquez Martínez says that it comes at the cost of increased carbon emissions. 

Building Resilience for the Next Supply Chain Disruption

November 21, 2022 • In the Media

As companies remedy shortages related to Covid-19, many are wondering what will be the cause of the next big disruption. CTL Deputy Director Jim Rice says that instead of focusing on solutions to specific disruptions, that they should instead build resilience to protect against any threat.

Companies Face Pressure to Improve Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chain

November 03, 2022 • In the Media

David Correll, Principal Investigator for the State of Supply Chain Sustainability, was recently featured in The Wall Street Journal showcasing the work and findings of this year's report—namely, that pressure on firms to strengthen their supply chain sustainability efforts has been sustained and incr

Overcoming the Financial Barriers to Building Resilient Supply Chains

November 01, 2022 • In the Media

It's a paradox: You won't know if or how an investment in supply chain resilience pays off until you actually have to use it—which, ideally, you won't.

The major disruptions of the last few years have made supply chain resilience top of mind of many companies. But because resilience is so hard to measure, it's very difficult to know how much to invest in it.

Honoring Work to Support Innovation in Aging

October 27, 2022 • In the Media

On September 13, 2022, MIT AgeLab co-hosted a celebration honoring the 10th anniversary of Boston Bridge, a nonprofit professional development organization in the field of aging with a longtime AgeLab association.

Sustainable Supply Chain Management online course offers concrete tools, actionable strategies for organizations’ climate pledges

October 26, 2022 • Press Releases
Today, the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics announced the launch of its latest online, open-enrollment course, Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SCM.290x). The course, open to all, offers supply chain practitioners tools to transform ambitious corporate climate pledges into actionable strategies while keeping their organizations’ competitive edge in the market. “Demand for sustainable supply chains from stakeholders and consumers alike has been increasing,” said course lead Josué Velázquez Martínez. “If you have a personal interest in mobilizing your company to make a positive impact, this course is for you.”

Eight experts diagnose the supply chain

October 19, 2022 • In the Media

CTL Executive Director Chris Caplice spoke to Vox's Recode for their article "8 experts diagnose the supply chain". In his view, it was never really broken. "Supply chains just adjust, but they were hit with a global pandemic," he said. "You saw all the warts and everything, but it kept working."

Caplice went on to explain further.

2022 MIT supply chain management graduates achieve record career outcomes

October 11, 2022 • Press Releases
97% of the MIT Supply Chain Management Master's Program’s residential class seeking a job received a job offer by graduation.

Fully Automated, Self-Driving Vehicles: Is Auto Industry Getting Ahead of Itself?

October 04, 2022 • Press Releases

Mobility Confidence Index Study in Collaboration with PAVE and MIT Advanced Vehicle Technology (AVT) Consortium  

TROY, Mich.: 4 Oct. 2022 — As the automotive industry methodically advances toward greater vehicle automation, consumer readiness for higher levels of automation remains low—even declining slightly from 2021—making it challenging to bring vehicle buyers into the modern mobility movement. According to the J.D. Power 2022 U.S.

MIT Agelab Awards Five Scholarships to Students Who Further Intergenerational Connections

September 29, 2022 • News

Since 2015, the MIT AgeLab has awarded scholarships to high school students who developed intergenerational programs — initiatives that bring together younger and older people for knowledge-sharing and social connection — in their communities. On Sept.

QS Ranks MIT SCM #1 Supply Chain Management Master’s Program in the World for 2023

September 29, 2022 • Press Releases
The 10-month program is ranked #1 globally overall for the third year in a row and on Value for Money, Employability, Alumni Outcomes, and Thought Leadership indicators. MIT's Supply Chain Management master's program has been ranked the #1 SCM master's in the world by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) for the third consecutive year. For its 2023 rankings, QS evaluated SCM master’s programs in 11 countries and ranked MIT SCM #1 based on indicators including alumni outcomes, employability, thought leadership, and value for money, as well as reputation among industry professionals and academics.

Need to Have Smarter Food Supply Chains to Prevent Waste, Say Experts

September 27, 2022 • In the Media

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, as much as a third of all fresh food produced is lost or wasted before it reaches our tables. The World Union of Wholesale Markets Conference in Abu Dhabi this October aims to "opportunity to reshape global food systems," say the event organizers.

Fedex Says Shipping Volume is Down. That’s a Bad Sign for the Global Economy

September 16, 2022 • In the Media

When FedEx told CNBC that their current dip in shipping volume is a starting sign of a looming global recession, shipping company stock prices dropped. MIT Megacity Logistics Lab Director Matthias Winkenbach says that this may be a wake up call to FedEx and other shipping and logistics companies to change how they approach necessary innovations.

Josué Velázquez Martínez on Resilience and Sustainability

September 13, 2022 • In the Media

In the face of supply chain disruptions, such as Covid-19, the Ukraine War, and high inflation, MIT LIFTLab and MIT Sustainable Supply Chain Lab director Josué Velázquez Martínez says that there is a silver lining: organizations are learning that supply chains have tangible vulnerabilities to focus on, and that they need to focus on building resilience.

The crucially important points ESG critics are missing

September 07, 2022 • In the Media
Recently, the notion that investment funds do good in the world by using their considerable influence to steer the for-profit firms that they invest in towards helping combat societal ills came under new and severe criticism. The attorney general of Arizona, along with attorneys-general from 18 other states, wrote an open letter to BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, suggesting that its reliance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in its investment decisions puts the funds that they manage for their clients (including many state employee retirement funds) at unnecessary risk. The “Wall Street Journal” editorial board co-signed to this position in an I-told-you-so-style editorial titled, “The ESG investing backlash has arrived.” Florida governor, and potential Republican presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis even publicly presented new legislation that would prohibit Florida’s state fund managers from considering ESG information when investing state money. For three years now, the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics and the Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals have conducted an annual survey of global supply chain managers regarding their firms’ sustainability efforts. From what we see in the research, what critics of ESG investing get right is that (1) investors are a leading driver of pressure on firms to improve their sustainability, and (2) that ‘sustainability’ means very different things to different people.

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Twins in Supply Chains

August 18, 2022 • In the Media

Özden Tozanli and Maria Jesús Saénz write in MIT Sloan Management Review about the immense potential of Digital Twins in Supply Chain

Supply chain sustainability is here to stay

August 11, 2022 • In the Media

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, many companies had to scramble to keep operations in motion. Employees were sick or wanted to stay home if possible, manufacturing stalled in many places, and at the same time, consumers turned to e-commerce for anything and everything. It was a perfect time for companies to let their goals for sustainable supply chains slide.