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The transportation sector is the third largest contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for over 28% of total U.S. emissions and over 14% of global emissions in 2018. As climate change and its negative effects have grown significantly, efforts to reduce GHG emissions have become an important objective on...
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List of presentations cited in Supply Chain Frontiers #66 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #66 CTL Yossi Sheffi “Logistics Clusters: Formation, Growth and Impact,” Cone Multimodal Conference, Recife, Brazil, March 12. “The Environmental Balance,” Intermodal Expo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 13. “Risk and Resilience Management for Competitive Advantage,” BASF...
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List of presentations cited in Supply Chain Frontiers #65 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #65 CTL Eva Ponce “Exploring the E-Credentialing Space,” Credentialing Lunch & Learn @ HBP (Harvard Business Publishing), MITx MicroMasters Credential in SCM. Yossi Sheffi “Economic Growth and Logistics Development,” Government of Pernambuco, Brazil, November 28...
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List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #61 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #61 | Regresar a Supply Chain Frontiers en Español #61 CTL Jarrod Goentzel “Working Capital and Cash-to-Cash Conversion Cycle Introduction,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 8...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones MISI Ioannis N. Lagoudis “Scenario-Based High Risk Analysis in Maritime Operations”, ECONSHIP 2015, Chios, Grecia, 24-27 junio. Con N. J. Zompakis, D J Soudris. “Maritime Cluster Attractiveness Index”, IAME 2015,” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24- 26 agosto. Con T...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59 | Lea todos artículos en este asunto MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Quantifying Benefits: Value-at-Risk,” MIT CTL Quantifying Resilience Roundtable, Cambridge, MA, US, October 29 Yossi Sheffi “The Power of Resilience,” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, US, October 16 “Sensing Supply Chain Risks,” Biogen, Cambridge, MA...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 58. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. MIT CTL organizará un taller sobre finanzas en cadenas de suministro y una mesa redonda sobre resiliencia los días 27 y 28 de octubre de 2015, respectivamente, en el MIT. El Taller sobre finanzas en cadenas de suministro...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 MIT CTL will host a workshop on supply chain finance and resilience roundtable on October 27 and 28, 2015 respectively at MIT. The Supply Chain Finance Workshop will focus on how supply chain actions affect the income statement and balance sheet – two key financial...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentes en cualquier lugar MIT CTL Edgar Blanco “Megacity Logistics,” Supply Chain Management Driving Strategic Advantage, Curso de Formación Ejecutiva del MIT CTL, Cambridge, MA (EE.UU.), 11 de junio Chris Caplice "Preparing for the Future" Fort Worth, TX para...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #57 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco “Megacity Logistics,” Supply Chain Management Driving Strategic Advantage, MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 11 Chris Caplice "Preparing for the Future" Fort Worth, TX for BNSF AVP Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, US, "Transportation Modeling and Trends" Chainalytics...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #54 A premium coffee company in China has an extensive distribution network that delivers product seven days a week. Yet the average daily stock-out rate in stores located in high-density urban areas is 40% for food items. How can the company fix this supply chain problem...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 54. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Una empresa de café de alta calidad de China tiene una amplia red de distribución que distribuye el producto siete días a la semana. Sin embargo, la tasa media diaria de escasez de existencias en las tiendas situadas...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Implementing Resilient Risk Management,” CSCMP Annual Conference, Denver, CO, US, October 21. Edgar Blanco “Carbon Efficiency of Humanitarian Supply Chains: Evidence from French Red Cross Operations,” Logistics Management 2013, Bremen, Germany, September 11-13. With P. Oberhofer and A. Craig. "The Environmental...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Supply Chain Frontiers , n.º 51: Presentaciones MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen «Implementing Resilient Risk Management», Conferencia anual CSCMP, Denver, Colorado (EUA), 21 de octubre. Edgar Blanco «Carbon Efficiency of Humanitarian Supply Chains: Evidence from French Red Cross Operations», Proceedings...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #48. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza (España) organizará el Congreso de Matemática de Operaciones y Logística 2013 entre el 26 y el 28 de junio de 2013. De tener éxito, el congreso se convertiría en un evento anual. El...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #48 The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza, Spain, will host the 2013 Mathematics of Operations and Logistics Conference from June 26 to June 28, 2013. If successful, the conference could become an annual event. New advances in operational applications of mathematics will be covered at the...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. ¿Qué impacto tendrán las tendencias mundiales (como el crecimiento de la población, el aumento de las megalópolis y el agotamiento de los recursos naturales) en la cadena de suministro? Descúbralo en la conferencia Crossroads de este año, que se...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Las mega-ciudades (ciudades con una población de, al menos, 10 millones de personas) están creciendo tanto en tamaño como en número, y se espera que representen alrededor del 20% del PIB mundial en una década; sin embargo, la creación...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Christine Krathwohl ha sido nombrada recientemente directora ejecutiva de logística y contenedores a escala mundial en General Motors. Su organización es responsable del abastecimiento y de las operaciones que guardan relación con todos los envíos de material a ubicaciones...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45 How will global trends – such as population growth, the rise of megacities, changing risk profiles, skills shortages, and the depletion of natural resources – impact supply chain management? What measures are companies taking to prepare for these transformative changes? Find out at this year’s...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45 Megacities – cities with a population of at least 10 million people – are growing both in size and number, and are expected to account for about 20% of world GDP within a decade. But building the supply chains needed to serve these metropolises is...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45 Christine Krathwohl was recently appointed Executive Director, Global Logistics and Containers, General Motors. Her organization is responsible for procurement and operations for all material shipments into assembly and manufacturing locations globally and for the distribution of finished vehicles. The procurement of all sequencing and warehousing...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Supply Chain Frontiers # 43 Ponencias 2011/12 CLI Isabel Agudelo “Enhancing RFID Adoption Through Innovation and Research” (Incrementando la adopción de RFID mediante la innovación e investigación), RFID Journal Live LatAm Mexico, Ciudad de México, México, 29 de noviembre...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 CTL Chris Caplice “Onsite Relationships: Challenging but Rewarding,” Supply Chain Management Review, “Talent Strategies” column, November 2011. Co-authored with Dan Ryan, Vice President, C. H. Robinson Worldwide. ZLC Y. Feng “A computational approach for optimal joint inventory-pricing control in an infinite-horizon periodic review system,” Operations...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #40 CLI Vivian Rangel Castelblanco “CLI’s Carbon Footprint Measurement in Emerging Market Supply Chains: The Colombian Case Research Project,” Sustainable Strategies to Strengthen Your Supply Chain conference, Bogotá, Colombia, March 1. “Carbon Footprint Analysis in Latin America: The Colombian Case,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)...