List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #61
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“Working Capital and Cash-to-Cash Conversion Cycle Introduction,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 8.
“Working Capital Simulation,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 8.
“Evaluating Supply Chain Initiatives and Engaging Finance to Support Them,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 8
“SC2020: Rethinking Your Supply Chain Strategy,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 10.
“Introduction to Financial Accounting and Analysis,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 7.
“Supply Chain Risk Management – Resilience,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 9.
“Case Discussion: Zara – Fast Fashion,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 9.
“The Power of Resilience,” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 24.
“The Power of Resilience,” Roche, Basel, Switzerland, May 27.
“Supply Chain Risk and Resilience,” MIT Risk Management Course, MIT, Cambridge, MA, US, August 2.
“Last Mile Logistics,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 8.
“Modeling Temporary, Interim, and Permanent Housing Recovery,” POMSs 27th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, US, May 6-9.
Speaker, Supply Chain Best Practice Sharing Event in the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry, ZLC Alumni event, Basel, Switzerland, May 28.
Speaker, BIO BSMA Europe Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, May 6-9.
Speaker, European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit, Barcelona, Spain. June 20-22.
“ABM-Based Supply Chain Risk Analysis and Modelling,” ILS 2016 - Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain 2016, Bordeaux, France, June 1-4.
“Impacts of AEO on trade facilitation and supply chains, WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and Authorized Operator Programs,” Peer to Peer Learning Event for Europe and Central Asia, World Bank Group, Batumi, Georgia, 19-23 June.
"From the idea to the concept. What solutions have been identified and how are they currently being pursued?" Urban Mobility Implementation Days, Berlin, Germany, May 13-14’
"Economic Complementarity and Its Implications on Optimal Policies for Multi-Product," CERR 2016 Conference, Toulouse, France, June 2-4.