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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #53 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco "Megacity Logistics," MIT CTL Executive Education Course Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 12. Chris Caplice "Supply Chain Distribution," MIT CTL Executive Education Course Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 10. Jarrod Goentzel...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #53 Practitioners interested in joining this year’s summer executive education course Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage are urged to book a place as soon as possible. Scheduled for June 10 – June 13, 2014, this acclaimed MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics executive course takes...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 A major impediment to the flow of freight traffic in megacities – cities with a population of at least 10 million people – is misguided regulation. The best way to analyze the effects is to view them at ground level. This is what an MIT...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco "Megacity Logistics Lab: Santiago," UNAB, Santiago de Chile, Chile, sponsored by MIT-Chile program, July 2. "Megacity Logistics: The Supply Chain Frontier," DHL Public Policy Forum, Washington DC, US, July 16. "Logistica & Cadena de Suministro en Mercados Emergentes," Diplomado en Enseñanza...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Un gran impedimento para que fluya el transporte de mercancías en las megalópolis (ciudades con una población de, al menos, 10 millones de personas) es una regulación errónea. La mejor manera de analizar los efectos es observarlos sobre el...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Supply Chain Frontiers en español, n.º 50: presentaciones MIT CTL Edgar Blanco «Megacity Logistics Lab: Santiago», UNAB, Santiago de Chile (Chile), patrocinado por el programa del MIT-Chile, 2 de julio. «Megacity Logistics: The Supply Chain Frontier», Foro de Política...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Gran parte del inmenso sector agrícola de la India tiene sus raíces en comunidades rurales, y lo fundamental para que pueda desarrollar todo su potencial comercial es conectar a los agricultores con los mercados internacionales, lo cual requiere una...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Centro de Transporte y Logística del MIT (MIT CTL) ha lanzado la serie de webinarios titulada Advances in Supply Chain Management (avances en la gestión de la cadena de suministro), en los que se presentará una investigación de...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 Much of India’s vast agricultural sector is rooted in rural communities, and key to realizing its full commercial potential is connecting growers to world markets. That requires a much better understanding of the rural-agricultural supply chains that deliver produce from remote landholdings to consumers. The...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Los fabricantes de automóviles forman parte de lo que suele denominarse un sector maduro, a pesar de que está experimentando un gran cambio en términos de productos y liderazgo en los mercados, tecnología y distribución geográfica de la producción...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46 Auto manufacturing is commonly described as a “mature” industry, yet it is undergoing dramatic change in terms of product and market leadership, technology, and the geography of production. Asia is at the center of these changes. In response, the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Cadena de suministro Frontiers n.º 45, presentaciones 2012 MIT CTL Chris Caplice «Long-Range Planning for Transportation: The Future Freight Flows Project», Transportation@MIT, serie de charlas, Stata Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA, EE.UU., 10 de abril. «Future Freight Flows: Using Scenario...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #45 MIT CTL Chris Caplice “Long-Range Planning for Transportation: The Future Freight Flows Project,” Transportation@MIT series of talks, Stata Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, April 10. “Future Freight Flows: Using Scenario Planning to Assist in Long-Term Planning,” 2012 AASHTO Spring Meeting, Traverse City, MI, USA, May...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #44. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Desde su lanzamiento hace tres años, el certificado que se otorga en Logística Global y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (GCLOG por sus siglas en inglés) ha elevado el nivel de la educación que se recibe en relación...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #44 Since it was launched three years ago, the Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) has raised the supply chain education bar in Latin America both in terms of student quality and academic standards. It has also bolstered research in the field, with...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) ha puesto en marcha recientemente el Supply Chain and Finance Institute (SFI) con el objetivo de promover el estudio de la interacción entre la cadena de suministro y el sector financiero. La crisis...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42 The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) has established the Supply Chain & Finance Institute (SFI) to promote the study of the interrelationship between supply chain and finance. The global financial crisis and its aftermath have highlighted the importance of this interrelationship. In addition, bringing more financial...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39 The Center for Latin American Logistics Innovation (CLI) has a new strategic partner: Carvajal, Colombia’s leading international business group. Founded in 1904, the organization makes and distributes products in a number of sectors including paper, school and office supplies, packaging, furniture, publishing, printing, process outsourcing...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37 The story of how PLAZA opened for business in 2005 on the outskirts of Zaragoza, Spain, and grew into Europe’s largest logistics park, is detailed in a Harvard Business Review case study written by Dr. Santiago Kraiselburd and Dr. Noel Watson from the Zaragoza Logistics...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37 The future rarely moves in predictable, incremental ways. Often, seemingly small changes in technology, demographics, regulations, economics, or a myriad of other factors have dramatic and unintended consequences for how companies source, manufacture, distribute, and operate in general. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El futuro muy raramente se mueve de maneras predecibles o incrementables. Con frecuencia, los aparentemente pequeños cambios en tecnología, demografía, regulaciones, economía o la combinación de diferentes factores tienen consecuencias dramáticas y no intencionadas sobre cómo las empresas...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . La historia de cómo PLAZA comenzó a funcionar en el 2005 en las afueras de Zaragoza España, y creció hasta convertirse en el parque de Logística más grande de Europa, esta detallado en un estudio de caso del...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El centro para logística y transporte (MIT CTL) de MIT y el gobierno de Aragón, España, han firmado un acuerdo, extendiendo su asociación que originalmente expiraba en el 2013, por otros 10 años. Esta extensión debe solidificar la...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #32. Read all articles in this issue. When it comes to stimulating economic growth, the key to future expansion can sometimes be found in the past. Earlier this decade, the government of Aragón in northern Spain realized that its economy had become too reliant on a...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #23. Read all articles in this issue MIT-CTL Director Yossi Sheffi has been appointed Director of the Engineering Systems Division (ESD) at MIT, a position that will allow him to play a more strategic role in the development of MIT research and education. Sheffi will also...