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This project developed requirements for a sustainable green automotive supply chain within a start-up enterprise entering the Indian emerging market. A supply chain-wide environmental management system, based on the ISO14001 standard, is used to integrate the identified green solutions for implementation and improvement within an auditable framework. Author: Gene Fisch...
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This report elaborates on the concepts of home-based healthcare using the synthesis of the various published healthcare research, recent developments in technology, and scenario-based analysis of healthcare delivery in future. Using the underlying assumption that care delivered at home could reduce healthcare cost due to prevention, the report presents a...
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This project developed an inventory model to find the optimal inventory distribution in a retail three-echelon network that enables high target service level at the stores. Using a multi-echelon approach, the optimal network inventory cost can be achieved by low inventory and service level at the intermediate echelon. The study...
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In order to incorporate risk management into the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process, companies must segment their products and customers based on business importance, demand forecast, and order lead time. After completing these segmentation steps, companies can then apply appropriate risk management tactics to mitigate uncertainty in demand and...
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This study developed a three stage procedure for the design of network flow and placement of safety stock in a multi-echelon supply chain shared by a large consumer goods manufacturer and a prominent retailer. The procedure provides a way to optimize the supply chain, reducing the logistics cost while achieving...
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This research collected industrial and researchers' opinions about the value and suitability of the DSD model and analyzed the benefits of the DSD model by building two models: the generic distribution model and the costs of stock-out model. While individual firms must also consider company strategy, economy of scale, and...
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This research evaluated supply chains for high volume products in India. Case studies of PepsiCo India and Tata Motors, two multinational companies operating in India, were used to identify supply chain challenges such as obsolete manufacturing practices and inadequate transportation infrastructure of the Indian emerging market. The case study analyses...
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Articles Include: Adapting to the New Face of Compliance Traditional definitions of compliance are changing. Be prepared Are You on Speaking Terms With the Front Office? Supply chain may be rubbing shoulders with the C-suite, but it’s not saying enough about risk exposure Take a Chance on Risk Managers The...
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This thesis examines the relationship between centralization in the supply chain organization of companies, cost structure, and the factors prompting companies to either centralize or decentralize their supply chain organization. Author: Guruprakash Rangavittal and Tae-Hee Sohn Advisor: Chris Caplice
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This research presents a case study of a distribution center in a fast food restaurant supply chain where the replenishment policy is “Never Run Out.” Supply chain costs and configurations at the distribution center are analyzed, and alternative supply chain strategies are suggested. These results are incorporated into a total...
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This project developed a model to quantify the impact of business policy decisions, such as tender lead time, on truckload transportation costs. This model demonstrated that business policies have a substantial impact on companies’ overall transportation spend and these policies can be quickly modified to reduce cost with little risk...
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Dr. Lapide is Director of Demand Management at MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics where he is responsible for managing its initiatives in Demand Management and Supply Chain Strategy alignment. He is also the research director of the demand Management Solutions Group (DMSG). He has extensive business experience in industry...
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Climate change and its political, social and economic implications are pushing companies to find ways to reduce the carbon footprint of their supply chains. This project examines tradeoffs between carbon footprint, cost, time and risk across three case studies of United States' perishable and consumer packaged goods firms and their...
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This project developed a novel way of measuring and comparing account level Vendor-Managed Inventory forecasts with traditional high-level demand planning forecast. Insights were developed on how to integrate this valuable forecast and inventory information upstream into the demand planning process to effectively improve supply chain forecast accuracy. Author: Xihang Kou...
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue A report titled “A Guide to the Carbon-Efficient Supply Chain” has been published by Newark, NJ-based publisher IOMA, which also publishes MIT-CTL’s newsletter Supply Chain Strategy. The report includes contributions from the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ Carbon-Efficient...
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue The benefits of supply chain collaboration are being captured in Latin America with an electronic catalog called CABASnet. A four-month case study of the service was presented by Bogota, Colombia-based logistics company LOGyCA at the MIT-CTL Crossroads 2008 conference...
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue Soaring fuel costs have put freight transportation in the spotlight, but even before the current furor over rising oil prices the challenges of moving shipments through congested networks represented a major issue for supply chain managers. The MIT Center...
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza, Spain, has announced a series of academic activities for this summer: its first PhD Summer Academy and two executive education courses. The PhD Summer Academy 2008 is administered under the MIT-Zaragoza Program at...
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Resilience: What it is and how to achieve it. The House Committee on Homeland Security “The Resilient Homeland – Broadening the Homeland Security Strategy”
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue The Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) process has been around for more than two decades, but it could offer new opportunities for mitigating and removing supply chain risk. Research carried out at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics...
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As part of my Demand Management (DM) research, I’ve spent a fair amount of time investigating company practices in customer segmentation and differentiated customer services. With DM defined as “the matching of supply and demand over time—including both during and between planning cycles,” these practices are strategic in nature since...
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Articles Include: The Supply Side Wakes Up to Risk Management Managing the ups and downs of supply volatility Oil-Dri Positions Procurement for Growth How a midsize company is procuring its future Keep an Open Mind When Looking for Leaders Avoiding the shallow end of the talent pool [Re]Searching for Answers...
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue There are a limited number of seats available at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ (MIT-CTL) Executive Education course this June, and individuals who want to attend are urged to register as soon as possible. The course, Supply...
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue How valuable is in-transit shipment visibility? The answer depends on the cost of the technology involved and the inherent need to keep tabs on the goods being shipped. A joint research project including the MIT Center for Transportation &...
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Supply Chain Leader asked several academic and industry experts, including CTL's Mahender Singh, to answer this question.