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Using the case of recycling in Bandung, Indonesia, this research aims to identify effective ways to use public policy to evaluate and enhance informal supply chains. I examine the current dynamics of the recycling middlemen industry and propose a framework for evaluating informal supply chains from a public policy perspective...
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This project explores the strategies, methodologies, key metrics and tools for the optimal management of chassis in an extensive multi-depots network. Using an ocean shipping company, we analyze global fleet management as an integrated system embracing tracking capabilities, planning, processes and data analysis. We evaluate the opportunity for a company...
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This project tested the applicability of the Perez-Franco, Singh, & Sheffi methodology to the aerospace industry. We conducted a qualitative mapping of the supply chain strategy for a specific satellite program in Lockheed Martin Space Systems. Outcomes from this case show the usefulness of the methodology to a wide number...
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Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) describes a system where electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) can connect to the electric grid to provide ancillary services, such as frequency regulation, to grid operators. This thesis evaluates the opportunities for V2G-enabled EVs and PHEVs to participate in the regulation services market and...
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This project developed an analytical decision tool to quantify the impacts of employing multi-manufacturer collaborative distribution for promotion fulfillment in comparison to two traditional distribution approaches. In a case study, the model solution indicated that collaborative distribution is a viable strategy, and that optimizing distribution between both manufacturers’ networks creates...
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This thesis provides a fundamental understanding of Polo Ralph Lauren’s current business operations and of current e-Commerce fulfillment models for luxury apparel brands in China. An assessment of gaps was also conducted between current fulfillment operations of PRL and those of other luxury brands and 3PLs operating in China, specifically...
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This project analyzed a pilot reusable tote program implemented by a consumer products company that was suffering from an unsustainable attrition rate. We identified key factors behind tote attrition and designed a new program for implementation at MIT that will better address these factors, adding proof of concept to this...
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In this research, we address the issue of developing a method for a private fleet manager to determine the appropriate number of railcars in a fleet. We focus on incorporating the variability of railcar cycle time into the fleet-sizing decision. In addition, we recommend a process that enables fleet managers...
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The petrochemical manufacturing industry is considering capital asset utilization with increased scrutiny. The authors consider the problem of marine dock utilization in the context of this particular industry as well as parallel problems in other industries. They recommend a framework for simulating and benchmarking dock operations to allow for quantifiable...
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Author: Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Valero Advisor: Dr. Chris Caplice
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Freight vehicle capacity, whether it be road, ocean or air transport, is highly under-utilized. This thesis describes the impact of ordering guidelines on the trucking efficiency of a large firm and how those guidelines and associated practices can be changed in order to gain better efficiency. Authors: Jaya Banik and...
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This project developed and analyzed the demand patterns and inventory levels for an Oil Services company. After segmenting ABC’s SKU base into fast and slow movers, this project then utilized two separate models, to provide statistical guidance for inventory levels. Our models and analysis present options that can reduce ABC’s...
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Author: Kelly Liang Advisor: Jonathan Byrne
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Information collected in real-time during the transportation process can be used to produce predictive models for fuel efficiency and product rejections. Although future study is needed to refine the model for product rejections to the point of deployment, a clear framework exists for development of these tools. Authors: Carlos Seminario...
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This project evaluates the financial implications to shippers and motor carriers in the United States truckload (TL) transportation industry of modifying the compensation structure of fuel surcharges. Fuel surcharges (FSCs) are contracts added as addendums to payment of service (called the line-haul rate in the transportation industry) that enable the...
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This thesis developed a three-model approach for analyzing the impact of lead-time and review time in a large retailer’s supply chain network. The foundation of all three models is based on the periodic-review (R,S) policy. These models mimicked the “Direct-to-Store” and “Regional Distribution Center” supply chain network. Authors: Xiaobei Song...
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This project focused on developing segmentation factors for an international, non-profit, healthcare organization. Utilizing the data for over 500 products currently in use at medical sites throughout Haiti, a series of segmentation factors were developed. These factors were then combined in multiple methods to show the effects of implementing segmentation...
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The majority of the players in the pharmaceutical industry have not traditionally been motivated to optimize supply chain and operational efficiencies. Several factors in the industry, however, are helping to turn management attention towards supply chain and operational efficiency. This paper looks at a bio-pharmaceutical company and attempts to map...
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This project incorporates demand variability in the creation of a long-term transportation planning process for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Using a combination of stochastic metrics and simple heuristics, the analysis proposes a robust operations strategy that is easy to execute on a weekly basis, is capable of handling demand uncertainty over...
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We develop models for XL Hybrids, a startup company that hybridizes aftermarket vehicles, to plan four aspects of their supply chain: production scheduling, capacity planning, inventory policy, and component distribution. In addition, we recommend strategies for capacity expansion and strategic sourcing for key components, while distilling supply chain strategies that...
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Renewable feedstocks can be used to produce fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel, which are replacements for petroleum derived fuels. We show that switchgrass is not competitive in price compared with gasoline at current prices, and we identify challenges the biofuel industry must deal with to narrow the price gap...
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Automobile manufacturers need to make sourcing decisions very early in the vehicle planning process. A cost/risk assessment that weighs costs, risks and variables in a single sourcing strategy decision model could ensure delivery of the lowest total landed cost. Author: Kristin M. Vincent Advisor: Charles H. Fine
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The feasibility of developing a logistics hub in Panama was studied by analyzing the key characteristics of Singapore and Dubai’s successful development of logistics hubs. We then used these key characteristics to determine the short-term effects of a Panamanian logistics hub on the Latin American port system. Authors: Daniel Munoz...
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This project develops a simulation model of the distribution network of a large oil and gas services company and evaluates two alternative delivery network configurations – pure hub-and-spoke and hub-and- spoke with postponement setups. The hub-and-spoke with postponement design is shown to be superior in terms of total logistics costs...
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This project developed an optimization model as a decision tool, using a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach, to help an industrial conglomerate redesigning its warehouse networks. The redesign included warehouses consolidation of 3 of company’s business units and the changing of products flow patterns. The result showed that about...