Supply Chain Frontiers issue #48 How can freight transportation add value to modern supply chains when globally – and especially in Asia – the function tends to be only loosely linked to shippers’ supply chain strategies? In Asia, companies are often divided into multiple business units, with each unit operating...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Gran parte del inmenso sector agrícola de la India tiene sus raíces en comunidades rurales, y lo fundamental para que pueda desarrollar todo su potencial comercial es conectar a los agricultores con los mercados internacionales, lo cual requiere una...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones de 2012 sobre la cadena de suministro de Frontiers, n.º 47 MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen «Supply Chain Visibility (Mapping)», avance en la gestión de riesgos de la cadena de suministro: retos emergentes y estrategias, campus del MIT, Cambridge...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 Much of India’s vast agricultural sector is rooted in rural communities, and key to realizing its full commercial potential is connecting growers to world markets. That requires a much better understanding of the rural-agricultural supply chains that deliver produce from remote landholdings to consumers. The...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. A pesar de la apatía de la economía mundial, los programas de máster en cadenas de suministro que ofrecen los centros de la red Global SCALE del MIT han atraído a un gran número de estudiantes para el curso...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46 Despite a lackluster global economy, supply chain master’s programs offered by MIT Global SCALE Network centers have attracted high numbers of students for the class of 2013. The MIT Supply Chain Management program at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL), Cambridge, MA...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 MIT CTL Chris Caplice “Do You Have the Right Toolkit?” Talent Strategies column, Supply Chain Management Review, November issue. Yossi Sheffi “Logistics Clusters: Unsung Champions of Economic Opportunity,” Supply Chain Matters blog, October 17. “Logistics as a Creator of Jobs,” Supply Chains Rock blog, October...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #44. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El Centro Latinoamericano de Innovación en Logística (CLI) cuenta con nuevo curso de educación ejecutiva que inicia en mayo. Este curso se centra en la superación de los desafíos que implica la logística global y gestión de la...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Grupo Éxito (la compañía de comercio al por menor más grande en Colombia con una plataforma de más de 350 puntos de venta) es una de las empresas pioneras en este país que se unió al reto de construir...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Los temas tratados son la gestión del riesgo, la sostenibilidad y la seguridad. Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) participa en cuatro proyectos europeos financiados por la Comisión Europea dentro del 7º Programa Marco en estas áreas específicas. El principal objetivo...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 Grupo Éxito, the largest retailer in Colombia with 350 outlets, has taken a strategic decision to focus its research efforts on a project that is exploring the use of EPC/RFID technology as a tool to control product shrinkage. The retailer is part of a group...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 Risk management, sustainability, safety, and security are hot supply chain topics. The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza, Spain, is participating in four European projects funded by the European Commission under the 7 th Framework Program in these key areas. The main strategic goal of the...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . La conferencia, organizada por el Centro de Transporte y Logística de MIT (MIT CTL) para el mes de octubre, estará enfocada en la gestión de redes de transporte globales. La conferencia de un día sobre Gerencia de Cadenas...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Los mercados en naciones emergentes se diferencian unos de otros en muchos aspectos, pero una característica que casi siempre tienen en común es un alto grado de fragmentación a lo largo de la cadena de abastecimiento. El negocio...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Supply Chain Frontiers #42 Presentaciones 2011 CLI Andrés Baquero y Rene Suárez “Un Enfoque Previsivo para la Reformulación de Acciones en el Suministro de Alimentos y el Plan Maestro de Seguridad de Bogotá” Congreso Latino – Iberoamericano de Gestión...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42 Markets in emerging nations differ in many respects, but one characteristic that they generally have in common is a high degree of fragmentation across the supply chain. The pipes and fittings business in Brazil is a good example, and the way leading supplier Amanco Brasil...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42 A conference organized by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) for this October will focus on managing global transportation networks. The one-day Managing Global Supply Chains conference will explore how shippers design, procure, and manage their global transportation networks. Attendees will discuss...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #42 CLI Andrés Baquero y Rene Suárez “A Foresight Approach to Reshaping the Actions in the Food Supply and Security Master Plan of Bogota,” Latino and Ibero American Congress of Technology Management (ALTEC 2011), Lima, Peru, October 19 – 21. Julián Lasso and Jhonatan Rotberg “Virtual...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #40 CLI Vivian Rangel Castelblanco “CLI’s Carbon Footprint Measurement in Emerging Market Supply Chains: The Colombian Case Research Project,” Sustainable Strategies to Strengthen Your Supply Chain conference, Bogotá, Colombia, March 1. “Carbon Footprint Analysis in Latin America: The Colombian Case,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #40. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones 2011 CLI Vivian Rangel Castelblanco “Carbon Footprint Analysis in Latin America: The Colombian Case,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 22nd Annual POMS Conference, Operations Management - The Enabling Link, Reno, NV, USA, Abril 29 a mayo 2...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39 The Center for Latin American Logistics Innovation (CLI) has a new strategic partner: Carvajal, Colombia’s leading international business group. Founded in 1904, the organization makes and distributes products in a number of sectors including paper, school and office supplies, packaging, furniture, publishing, printing, process outsourcing...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El Centro Latinoamericano de Innovación en Logística - CLI, cuenta con un nuevo aliado estratégico; se trata de Carvajal, el grupo empresarial colombiano que más ha avanzado en el proceso de internacionalización de sus negocios. Actualmente, está conformado...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 The debate over deep water drilling continues to rage following the Vermillion oil rig explosion in the Gulf of México this September, and BP’s announcement that the cost of its oil spill in the same waters has reached $8 billion. But there is another dimension...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 LOGyCA, in alliance with the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) will launch CLI México this October. The aim of the new center is to promote innovation and economic growth in Colombia and Latin America through research and education in transportation, logistics, and supply chain. Led by...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 Amid one of the deepest recessions ever to hit the United States and with the official unemployment rate approaching 10%, companies should have little difficulty retaining key employees. Why then are supply chain leaders citing talent recruitment and retention as one of their top concerns...