Desigual’s Multi-stranded Approach to Omni-channel

May 05, 2016 • News

Transitioning to an omni-channel supply chain undoubtedly brings many challenges for retailers. However, omni-channel is also a major source of supply chain innovation. The journey involves multiple changes that are forcing companies to rethink the way they design, build, implement, and manage global supply chains, as well as how they relate to key supply chain players.

Are Self-­Driving Delivery Vehicles Headed Underground?

March 23, 2016 • News

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — While Inc., A.P. Moller Maersk A/S and other big shippers look to the skies to speed up deliveries with drones, a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists are setting their sights far lower: Underground. Researchers at the new MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society, along with other MIT­affiliated logistic R&D groups, are examining the viability of underground networks of small, autonomous vehicles to deliver goods to businesses in crowded urban centers.

MIT Team Uses Big Data, IoT to Speed Up ‘Last Mile’ Deliveries

March 23, 2016 • News

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.– High-­tech logistics systems have quickened the delivery of goods from manufacturing hubs to big­-city markets in recent years. But speeding up the so­ called last mile, from a local distribution center to a retailer or a customer’s home, has remained a challenge, especially in crowded urban centers.

Building Walls is Not the Answer to Economic Anxiety

March 22, 2016 • News

By Yossi Sheffi. When the Berlin Wall came down on November, 9, 1989, people across the world celebrated its destruction. The Wall was constructed by the communist regime in East Germany to prevent citizens from fleeing to the democratic west. The barrier that blocked the free flow of people and goods became a powerful symbol of oppression. A little more than a quarter century after the fall of the Berlin Wall, international wall building appears to be on the rise again.

New technologies can learn from mature markets

March 22, 2016 • News

What do Class 8 trucks and cell phones have in common? Their end-of-life (EOL) strategies are shaped in large part by each product’s characteristics as well as current market conditions.

Thinking globally

March 14, 2016 • News

That trend was equally clear at the recent Supply Chain Student Research Expo put on by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Global SCALE Network. This annual program brings together more than 100 graduate students from around the world to present the real-world supply chain projects they are working on. It was not unusual to see, for example, a student from Greece and another from India collaborating on an inventory management analysis, or students from Malaysia and China working together on a food and beverage metrics project.

Guest Voices: New Supplier Strategies Revive Important Corporate Questions

March 07, 2016 • News

MIT’s Alexis Bateman writes that vertical integration is gaining favor as companies address quality and sustainability, but it also demands a close look at business priorities - Companies have been vertically integrating operations for many years to gain more control over the supply of key materials. Henry Ford’s ownership of rubber plantations and iron ore mines that provided raw materials for automobiles is a classic example.

MIT adds China to its SCALE Network

February 16, 2016 • News

MIT to create new center at the world’s busiest port in Ningbo, China - The government of Ningbo, China — home of the world’s busiest port — is partnering with the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) to create a global center for supply chain education and research.

MIT Age Lab hosts NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind

February 10, 2016 • News

Discussions of self-driving vehicles are often accompanied by highly confident predictions: Visions of the future include whole networks of automated cars seamlessly zipping around metropolitan areas, safely and efficiently, with every person inside them a passive, hands-off passenger. On Tuesday at MIT, the U.S. government’s chief auto safety official offered a more restrained view, suggesting that technology could provide important new safeguards for cars, while observing that it is too soon to say precisely what form vehicular automation will eventually take.

Four Innovative Supply Chain Education Trends

February 04, 2016 • News

The first massive open online course, or “MOOC,” made its way onto the educational scene back in 2008 as a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance. These interactive learning spaces have not only eradicated limits on the number of students who can attend a course, they have also helped to create a very scalable and affordable way to deliver all types of education – supply chain executive education included.

Four Reasons for the Supply Chain Talent Shortage, Part 1

February 01, 2016 • News

“We’re like Rodney Dangerfield—we don’t get no respect.” Professor Yossi Sheffi, a professor of supply chain management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), chuckled when I asked him why there’s such a shortage in supply chain talent. He, like a number of supply chain professionals I spoke to over the past month, was lamenting the fact that the term supply chain doesn’t do a great job of suggesting the hard, dynamic work involved in running the manufacturing, movement and storage of a product.

Stock Markets Have Followed Oil Prices Off a Cliff. What's Going On?

February 01, 2016 • News

By Yossi Sheffi. One of the mysteries of the stock market's decline at the beginning of 2016 is why such a precipitous fall occurred at a time when economies are reaping the benefits of lower energy costs. As oil prices parachuted to depths not seen since the tech crash of the early 2000s, factories, transportation carriers, and consumers pocketed substantial savings on fuel costs. The plunge in oil prices transfers about $1,500 every year from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela and other oil producers to the pockets of every US driver.

Reviving The Reshoring Debate

January 23, 2016 • News

By Yossi Sheffi. The controversy over reshoring has flared up again thanks largely to some research published by the managing consulting firm A. T. Kearney in December 2015. - Reshoring refers to the practice of bringing manufacturing jobs that were previously off-shored to countries such as China back to the United States. Some people argue that this trend has accelerated over recent years and is reviving the nation’s manufacturing might.

Reviving the Reshoring Debate

January 14, 2016 • News

By Yossi Sheffi. The controversy over reshoring has flared up again thanks largely to some research published by the managing consulting firm A. T. Kearney in December 2015 -- Reshoring refers to the practice of bringing manufacturing jobs that were previously off-shored to countries such as China back to the United States. Some people argue that this trend has accelerated over recent years and is reviving the nation’s manufacturing might.

IoT Machine Failure Analyses Reduces Average Inventory, Boosts Service Levels, Finds New Research by OnProcess Technology and MIT

January 07, 2016 • Press Releases

ASHLAND, MA – June 14, 2016 – OnProcess Technology, a global pioneer in service supply chain management and optimization, today announced results of a joint research project with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Program, which found that by using Internet of Things (IoT) data to predict machine failures, companies can reduce costly inventory stock while improving their ability to meet service levels.

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics Alum Gifts $2.5 million

January 07, 2016 • Press Releases

On January 4, 2016, MIT alum Jeff Silver, along with his wife Marianne and two of their sons, visited the Massachusetts of Institute of Technology (MIT) to gift the Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) with $2.5 million to help fund the Center’s ongoing efforts in supply chain research and education. The gift will be divided into two funds:

Leading academic discusses how business resiliency requirements have changed in the past 10 years

December 17, 2015 • News

Dr. Yossi Sheffi, a professor at MIT, said that companies have made great strides in improving the resiliency of their business, but that they still have a long way to go, especially in the area of cyber-security. 

Watch the full interview.

Beware the Bullwhip Effect When Reacting to Market Downturns

December 15, 2015 • News

By Yossi Sheffi. Plunging commodity prices are unnerving many companies to a point where they are implementing drastic cuts to their operations and workforce. Adjusting to market shifts is sound management practice, but not when the course changes are so extreme that the company becomes too debilitated to take advantage of an eventual market upturn. Thinking about a turnaround in commodities prices might seem naive at best at this time, but it’s easy to underestimate how quickly markets can rebound and catch companies flat-footed.

Guest Voices: Delivery Companies are Redefining the Last Mile in Crowded Cities

December 15, 2015 • News

By Matthias Winkenbach and Daniel E. Merchán. The Coca-Cola Co. bottler in Rio de Janeiro used to deliver crates of drinks in the city’s Copacabana area by truck until a parking ban forced the company to rethink its distribution strategy. The big cargo vehicles now arrive early in the morning, park at designated sites and transfer the goods to motorcycles that make the final delivery to customers.

The on-demand economy: Changing the way we live as we age

December 14, 2015 • News

By Luke Yoquinto and Joseph Coughlin. Companies such as Instacart, Uber and TaskRabbit may be known for their appeal to young, urban consumers, but they may soon influence older adults’ lives just as profoundly. Offering alternatives to traditional, senior-oriented services, these companies stand to transform how the older demographic gets things done. At 88, Sally Lindover already participates as both a user and a provider in what’s known as the on-demand and sharing economy.

How Technology Will Transform Retirement

November 29, 2015 • News

By Joseph F. Coughlin. Get ready for a new array of devices and services that will make it easier to work, stay healthy, live at home and remain connected to friends and family. For the next generation of retirees, the question that will trump all others will be a simple one: How do you add life to longer lives? As people live longer, and spend more time in retirement, the challenge will be to get more out of those years. How do you find a rewarding second career? How do you stay close with friends and family? How do you maintain independence and mobility?

Guest Post: Ignoring this Performance Metric is Risky

November 19, 2015 • News

By Yossi Sheffi. There are many ways to measure supply chain performance in terms of resilience, but there is one that’s easily overlooked even though it is gaining in importance: Detection time. By that I mean the time measured from the instant a company realizes it will be hit by a supply chain disruption to the time the incident actually takes place.

The Power of Resilience: A Q&A with Yossi Sheffi on how the best companies manage the unexpected.

November 19, 2015 • News

In his new book, “The Power of Resilience: How the Best Companies Manage the Unexpected” (MIT Press), MIT professor Yossi Sheffi explains why modern vulnerabilities call for innovative processes and tools for creating and embedding corporate resilience and risk management. Sheffi spoke with Longitudes editor Samantha Slappey. Samantha: Your book is titled “The Power of Resilience.” Why did you choose that name? Yossi: The term resilience is technically taken from material science—it is the ability of a metal to return to its former shape after deformation.

Turning Up the Heat on Sales Forecast Accuracy

November 19, 2015 • News

After being caught off guard by a phenomenal increase in sales in 2013, a company in the auto battery replacement market wanted to improve the accuracy of its sales forecasts. The problem was exacerbated by a relatively long ramp up to new production. Consumers go shopping for new car batteries when their existing units fail, so helping the company to anticipate failures helps the organization to improve the accuracy of its sales forecasting.

LinkedIn Influencer: How Can We Certify the Certifiers?

November 18, 2015 • News

By Yossi Sheffi. An important challenge facing companies today is how to engender trust in the products they sell, and having gained buyers’ trust, how to keep it through thick and thin. There are four categories of attributes that consumers care about. The first and simplest is search attributes such as a product’s weight, color, or price. “Search” attributes are obvious tangible properties that consumers can search for and personally evaluate without ever buying or using the product.