Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) and the University of Catalonia Center for Transportation Innovation (Centro de Innovación del Transporte de la Universidad de Cataluña or CENIT) have launched a project with DHL Supply Chain to streamline goods delivery services in urban centers. Financed by Spain’s Ministry...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 A project to test the fuel economy of trucks fitted with aerodynamic fairings is part of a broader initiative to improve the efficiency of freight logistics in Chilé. CLI Chilé, the newest member of a network of research and education centers created by the Center...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 Kids can teach us a lot about life – and about supply chain. A new video about the MIT Supply Chain Management (SCM) Program uses a humorous story about two lemonade stands to teach the value of sound supply chain management. One stand attracts lots...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 Risk management, sustainability, safety, and security are hot supply chain topics. The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza, Spain, is participating in four European projects funded by the European Commission under the 7 th Framework Program in these key areas. The main strategic goal of the...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39 A web-based communications platform called the Collaborative Platform for Transport that cuts truck transportation costs and eliminates costly freight delays in Colombia will enter the implementation phase in December 2010. In addition to making the country’s supply chains more efficient, the project offers valuable lessons...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Una plataforma de comunicaciones basada en tecnología Web -la Plataforma Colaborativa de Transporte-, que recorta los costes del transporte y suprime los costosos retrasos en el transporte de mercancías en Colombia entrará en su fase de implementación en...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Initial responses to a groundbreaking international survey of attitudes toward supply chain risk management offer some valuable insights into the types of incidents that are disrupting supply chains and how frequently company operations are being hit. The Global Supply Chain Risk Management research project was...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Las respuestas iniciales a la innovadora encuesta de actitudes hacia la administración del riesgo en la cadena de suministro, ofrecen luces respecto a los tipos de incidentes que están interrumpiendo las cadenas de suministro y con qué frecuencia se...
Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #24. Read all articles in this issue What is the difference between short-term and long-term? At a December retreat, the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ (MIT-CTL) Demand Management Interest Group (DMIG) considered the difference not as a philosophical question but in the context of demand...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #14. Read all articles in this issue In the year 2025 some 25% of the US population will be over 60 years of age, and an estimated 30% of Europeans will fall into this age bracket. The former USSR will be even grayer; it is estimated...