June 2011

Dr. Bruce C. Arntzen Keynote Speaker at Supply Chain Virtual Events 2011

Jun 29, 2011 at 7:00AM - Jun 29, 2011 at 8:00AM

Managing Risk in the Global Supply Chain

Presented by: Dr. Bruce C. Arntzen, Sr Research Director at MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics

Supply chain risk is everywhere today. What’s critical to business success—and even survival—is how well you manage that risk. That’s a key message of our keynote speaker, a leading authority on supply chain risk and a top researcher at MIT. Our keynoter will explain how supply chain managers should prepare for possible supply chain disruptions—and what they can do if a disruption occurs. For any...

Crossroads 2011: Disruptive Innovations That Will Shape the Future of Supply Chains

Jun 16, 2011 at 4:00AM - Jun 16, 2011 at 1:00PM

MIT Wong Auditorium (Map)

Agenda | FAQs

In 1980 China was America’s 24th ranked trading partner, the Internet, mobile phones, and PC’s were nowhere to be seen, and the prime rate stood at 15.26%. What will the world look like 10 to 20 years from now?

More specifically, what will supply chains look like in one to two decades? What disruptive technologies and trends are taking shape today that will redefine supply chains tomorrow?

The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) will explore the future of supply chains at Crossroads 2011, the annual conference that has become the industry’s most important forum...

Annual CTL Partner Meeting

Jun 15, 2011 at 4:00AM - Jun 15, 2011 at 1:00PM

MIT Faculty Club (Campus Map)

Agenda | FAQs

On Wednesday, June 15, the Center will convene members from the 40+ Partner companies that are members of the CTL Supply Chain Exchange. The intention of this annual partner meeting is to provide our Partners with an update on the latest research and development activities at CTL, and allow us to solicit input from our Partners on future plans for CTL. Then please join us for dinner afterward at a local restaurant.

This meeting coincides with our annual Crossroads conference on Thursday, June 16. Don't miss out on the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about our plans for...

Executive Education - Supply Chain Management (June 2011)

Jun 07, 2011 at 4:00AM - Jun 10, 2011 at 10:00AM

MIT Faculty Club (Campus Map)

Agenda | Where to Stay | FAQ

Cost: $3,495

Are You Ready for the Next Level of Supply Chain Leadership?

Let MIT Take You There

Today’s companies are realizing the importance of the supply chain as a revenue generator— it's not just a cost of doing business. In order to remain competitive in the global marketplace, senior executives must completely transform their business approach and conventional supply chain practices, and embrace new capabilities that drive more value. How can you leverage the latest supply chain tools, practices and capabilities to ensure that your company is poised to...

May 2011

Supply Chain Masters Research Fest 2011

May 24, 2011 at 5:00AM - May 25, 2011 at 8:00AM

MIT Faculty Club - 6th floor, located at 50 Memorial Drive (building E52)

Every year, graduating masters students present their theses to the Center's corporate Supply Chain Exchange Partners. This one and one-half day event (full day on Tuesday May 24 and half-day on Wednesday May 25) is a chance for Partners to hear the results of new student research, much of which has been done with Exchange Partners.

Agenda | FAQs


Where is the conference being held?

When does the conference officially begin and end?
Are accommodations provided?
Where should I stay?
Where is the...

April 2011

Annual LEAP Workshop

Apr 25, 2011 at 9:00AM - Apr 26, 2011 at 8:30AM


April 25, 2011: 1:00pm - 5:00pm EST (with dinner to follow)
Location: MIT E40-298

1:00pm   Welcome and Introductions
1:30pm   Case study I – Ocean Spray: Scope 3 Protocol Road Test
2:30pm   Leadership Workshop with Dr. Peter Senge and Dr. Jason Jay
4:00pm   Making the Business Case for Climate Change by Dr. Andrew Hoffman 
6:00pm   Dinner at Legal Seafoods

April 26, 2011: 8:30am - 12:30pm EST
Location: MIT E38-467

8:30am   Breakfast
9:00am   Debrief from Previos Day
9:15am   Case study II –  LCA Informing Design Strategy
9:45am   Case study workshop: Considering the challenges and...

The Japan Crisis: Commercial and Humanitarian Supply Chain Challenges

Apr 07, 2011 at 12:00PM - Apr 07, 2011 at 12:00PM

MIT Campus (Map)

Building 32- Room 123

The Disaster in Japan is creating supply challenges all over the world. On Thursday, April 7, the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) provided a community briefing about the challenges. The focus of the discussion was on the following:

Corporate supply chains

  • What are supply chains and why there is a problem?
  • What can we expect as consumers in days to come?
  •  How should companies think about supply chain disruptions?
  • What can companies do about this?

The humanitarian logistics challenge

  • Why is it all about logistics?
  • What are the issues in humanitarian...

MIT Humanitarian Speaker Series -- Alex Markowski & Erin Rampe

Apr 05, 2011 at 8:00AM - Apr 05, 2011 at 9:00AM

MIT Room E62-450

Disaster Logistics: How do we Plan, Stockpile, and Coordinate on an Inter-governmental Level?

Alex Markowski, MA, CBCP, Director of Logistics, Office of Emergency Management, NYC
Erin Rampe, MPH, CPH, Logistics Coordinator, Office of Emergency Management, NYC

Alex Markowski is Director of Logistics at NYC OEM and Logistics Program Lead for the NY-NJ-CT-PA Regional Catastrophic Planning Grant Program. As Director of Logistics, Alex is responsible to deliver the right stuff in the right place at the right time in support of emergency operations. Since joining NYC OEM in 2003 Alex has led a...

March 2011

SCM/ZLOG ReConnect

Mar 24, 2011 at 8:00PM - Mar 24, 2011 at 8:00PM

Each year CTL convenes the MLOG/ZLOG graduates for an update and program review.  Participants will enjoy a "State of the Program" discussion, a "State of the Center" presentation and also a review of the latest developments at MIT CTL's international partners: the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) in Spain and the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI) in Colombia.   As always with ReConnect, alums have ample opportunity to network with each other and with CTL.