Distinguished Speaker Series - "Design and Implementation of the First Subway Line in Quito, Ecuador" - Ramiro Almeida (9/28)
Sep 28, 2012 at 8:00AM - Sep 28, 2012 at 9:00AMLocation: W20-306
Stratton Student Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ramiro Almeida
Loeb Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Former Advisor of Foreign Affairs of the City of Quito, Ecuador; president of Libri Mundi, Ecuador.
Topic: Design and Implementation of the First Subway Line in Quito, Ecuador
Time: Noon to 1:00pm, lunch served at 11:30am
Ramiro Almeida until recently was senior advisor for special projects and foreign affairs for the City of Quito, Ecuador. He led a three-year effort to plan, design and implement the city’s first subway line, the most important project in Quito’s modern history. It is the most recent of his wide variety of...