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  1. Designing A Resilient Supply Chain

    … of interest in supply chain resiliency since the onset of COVID-19 as multiple supply chain disruptions have affected …

  2. Dynamic Approach to Freight Transportation Pricing

    … service levels for Aqua Deal. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the truckload industry entered a tight …

  3. Supply Chain Exchange Virtual Series: Controlling the Spread of COVID-19 and Rules of Thumb for Reopening

    … Dean Anette "Peko" Hosoi who will give a briefing on her COVID-19 research .  Prof. Hosoi's technical talk will … to reopen and how to do so while minimizing the risks of COVID-19 spread. Her models and explanation make it clear …

  4. SCE Research Briefing - Eva Ponce - First Fridays

    … digital channels and develop omnichannel supply chains. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated these trends, and …

  5. The Covid Pandemic and Global Supply Chains: Lessons from the MIT SCALE Network

    … The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, in all its variants, has rattled global …

  6. Dynamics of Supply Chain Sustainability

    … practices changed from 2020 to 2021? How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted sustainability commitments by … supply chain sustainability initiatives. To understand the COVID-19 impact, we visualized summary statistics with … differed in their sustainability commitment due to COVID-19. Lastly, we ran unlabeled k-means clustering on the …

  7. Prepare for the Bullwhip’s Sting

    … "Nearly two years into the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, signs are pointing to the growing risk of …

  8. All Packed Up and No Place to Go

    … would be an effective, if expensive, strategy, but as the Covid-19 pandemic grinds on, it has exacerbated some of the …

  9. The Changing Landscape of Omnichannel Fulfillment

    … omnichannel fulfillment and how it is changing during the COVID-19 pandemic. "To address omnichannel distribution …

  10. Profesor del MIT ayuda a las empresas a reestructurar su estrategia de suministro después del COVID-19

    … a reestructurar su estrategia de suministro después del COVID-19 May … cómo las empresas lidiaron con el caos de la pandemia por Covid-19 y cómo han podido sobrevivir y prosperar a medida … también documenta cambios más profundos provocados por el Covid-19. Un ejemplo es cómo la pandemia afirma el papel …