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Authors: Madhu Ranjan and Richard Tonui
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Author: Arzum Akkas
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Author: John Parsons
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue What will supply chains look like 15 years from now and how can corporations be prepared for the new competitive environment? Without time travel there is no sure way of finding out, so the MIT Center for Transportation &...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue. Financial options are commonplace but how about trucking options? Researchers at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics are exploring the idea of a road transportation option as a way to make the procurement of trucking services a surer...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue. is driving growth in the international business-to-consumer channel with groundbreaking work to standardize carrier and postal practices across countries. The company has cut last mile shipment delays through the use of multiple postal authorities, and is pursuing efficiencies...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue. The road to the customer has a second lane thanks to the Internet. In addition to conventional bricks-and-mortar outlets, on-line services have become a heavily trafficked route to market. The two channels serve different needs but they can be...
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Proceedings of the Supply Chain 2020 Project’s Industry Advisory Council Kickoff Meeting.
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue. The Center for Transportation and Logistics: Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) program is celebrating its fifth anniversary this May. Created in 1999, the unique program in logistics has become the leader in the field. The number of applicants...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue. There is wide agreement that supply chains are becoming more complex, but relatively little consensus on how to govern them. That situation needs to change. The competitive climate is shifting, and companies cannot afford to lose control of the...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue. The Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics (ZLOG), the full time masters program offered by a groundbreaking partnership between MIT and the Zaragoza Logistics Center in Spain, is oversubscribed months ahead of its start date this fall. "We are...
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Most shippers use annual auctions to procure transportation services, leading to annual contracts. By using combinatorial auctions they can reduce their operating costs, while protecting carriers from winning lanes that do not fit their network, thereby improving carriers’ operations as well. Combinatorial auctions account for carriers’ economies of scope, which...
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Preface: The flow pattern throughout an urban network can be looked upon as the result of two competing mechanisms. On the one hand, users of the system (drivers, passengers, pedestrians) try to travel in a way that minimizes the disutility associated with transportation. For example, motorists driving between a given...
As part of standard business cycles, new technologies continue to emerge that disrupt industries and capture market share from stagnant incumbents. In the trucking industry, Uber for Freight (UFF) is one of these innovative business models. Loosely defined as platforms which seek to more efficiently match shippers’ loads with truck...
In a simple representation of a supply chain, products flow from suppliers to customers, and currency flows from customers to suppliers. The period it takes a supplier to satisfy a customer order is called lead time. The period it takes a customer to pay a supplier for product is called...
{"preview_thumbnail":"/sites/","video_url":"","settings":{"responsive":1,"width":"854","height":"480","autoplay":1},"settings_summary":["Embedded Video (Responsive, autoplaying)."]} Today, an efficient supply chain is at the heart of business success. The organizations that partner with MIT CTL gain access to world-leading research, unrivaled expertise, and a unique forum for exchanging knowledge. Our corporate outreach program brings together more than 50 global companies to solve...
Authors: Jan C. Fransoo (Kuehne Logistics University), Edgar E. Blanco, Christopher Mejia-Argueta Millions of small, family-operated nanostores are the main source of consumer packaged goods in many neighborhoods of large cities across the developing world. In many of these countries, well over half of consumer goods are sold via the...
Summary Report for the Innovations in Transportation Roundtable: Disrupting the Dominant Design of Procurement and Management held on February 12 -13, 2019 at MIT. This report is available for MIT CTL partners only. If you are an MIT CTL partner, please log in or create an account to download this...