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Author: Tatsuya Inaba
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Author: Jinfan Li
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Author: Yishai Boasson
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Author: Akihiro Kaga
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue. The future of retailing is on display at the Extra Future Store in Rheinberg, Germany, where many customers navigate the supermarket's aisles using cart-mounted computers and weigh produce on intelligent scales that recognize and label items. Also on display...
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Author: Yerlan Manatayev
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue. Much has been written about the importance of Dell's supply chain but there is another enabler of the company's success that tends to be overlooked: its corporate culture. A study of Dell's day-to-day operations revealed how cultural characteristics such...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue. The MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, a new partnership between the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) and the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) in Spain, has reached another milestone with the initial appointment of faculty at the ZLC. The...
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Author: Georgi Zhelev
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Author: Zhiyu Xu
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue No prizes for guessing which major companies tend to be associated with excellent supply chains. But there are lesser known innovators such as the pizza chain Domino's which offers a 30-minute guarantee that is a model for high-speed, build-to-order...
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Author: Brian Um
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Author: Duncan Scholtz
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Author: Kapil Dev Singh
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue. A survey of MIT logistics masters' graduates shows that starting salaries have risen significantly, offering further evidence of the increasing value companies are attaching to the supply chain management discipline. MIT's Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) program was...
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Author: Jon Pulido
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue. The creation of special interest groups and a unique course on system applications are among the new MIT initiatives on radio frequency identification technology (RFID). The Auto-ID Labs at MIT, a federation of university research labs and initiatives, has...
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Author: Nancy Archambault
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Author: Mariko Utsunomiya No thesis available.