Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37 The future rarely moves in predictable, incremental ways. Often, seemingly small changes in technology, demographics, regulations, economics, or a myriad of other factors have dramatic and unintended consequences for how companies source, manufacture, distribute, and operate in general. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El futuro muy raramente se mueve de maneras predecibles o incrementables. Con frecuencia, los aparentemente pequeños cambios en tecnología, demografía, regulaciones, economía o la combinación de diferentes factores tienen consecuencias dramáticas y no intencionadas sobre cómo las empresas...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Cross-docking, un método que rutinariamente es usado por los minoristas para mejorar el flujo de las mercancías puede ayudar a salvar innumerables vidas en países en vías de desarrollo, haciendo más eficiente el suministro de medicamentos esenciales para...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Logistics parks have grown in number across the globe in recent years, with governments and real estate enterprises supporting the development of these facilities. Yet, there is no standard framework for logistics park design to guide the builders and managers of these facilities. Research into...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Los parques logísticos han crecido en número por alrededor del mundo en años recientes, con el apoyo del desarrollo de estas instalaciones por parte de gobiernos y empresas de finca raíz. Sin embargo, no hay un marco estándar...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. The global economic crisis has highlighted the risks associated with supplier failures, but customers can also throw a supply chain into disarray. Buy-side risks, particularly those related to payment problems and obsolete inventory, were discussed at a recent symposium...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #32. Read all articles in this issue. Dr. Bruce C. Arntzen has joined the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) as a senior research director with special responsibility for developing the ground-breaking MIT Global SCALE Network. An MIT graduate, he brings over 20 years...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #32. Read all articles in this issue. Brightstar Corporation started life as a trading company in the mobile phone business, and has since grown rapidly into a full service supply chain organization for wireless network operators and retailers. Company founder and CEO Marcelo Claure recently traced...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #31. Read all articles in this issue. This year’s MIT CTL Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) Research Fest will take place on May 20 to 21, 2009, on the MIT campus. The annual event gives MLOG graduating students the opportunity to present the results of...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #30. Read all articles in this issue. The 2009 Supply Chain Innovation and Leadership Series (SCILS), a month-long series of talks, site visits, and leadership workshops that happens every January, was the largest yet, reflecting the growing research and academic base of the MIT Center for...
Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #27. Read all articles in this issue In these difficult economic times there is no shortage of issues to occupy supply chain managers, but two in particular, rising fuel costs and a dramatic decline in truck carrying capacity, figured largely in the MIT Center for Transportation...
Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #26. Read all articles in this issue There are a limited number of seats available at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ (MIT-CTL) Executive Education course this June, and individuals who want to attend are urged to register as soon as possible. The course, Supply...
Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #25. Read all articles in this issue The initial cost and a lack of clear cut returns are two impediments to the adoption of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and related Electronic Product Code (EPC) standards. Pioneering work underway in Colombia by Bogota-based logistics company LOGyCA...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #22. Read all articles in this issue The United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), which provides air, land and sea transportation for the Department of Defense, and MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL), have joined forces to create a fellowship program that will generate military leaders...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #21. Read all articles in this issue Supply Chain Strategy, the influential monthly newsletter co-produced by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL), has a new publisher: New York City-based Institute of Management and Administration (IOMA). August 2007 will be the first issue to be...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #20. Read all articles in this issue The inaugural research meeting of the MIT Efficient Healthcare Delivery Research Group (MEHD) will take place on September 18, 2007, on the MIT campus. Launched by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL), the MEHD Group will drive...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #20. Read all articles in this issue Changing the world’s energy consumption habits to counter rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere requires a 50-year time horizon, said Professor Ernest J.Moniz, MIT Professor of Physics and Director of the MIT Energy Initiative. Meanwhile, global energy...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #20. Read all articles in this issue Two major retailers, Best Buy and Inditex Group, originate on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean yet share a common focus on innovation that benefits the customer. And both organizations have developed supply chains that support their innovative approaches...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #20. Read all articles in this issue Supply chain managers have a unique opportunity to learn how to compete in fast-changing markets at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ Executive Education Course, in Cambridge, MA, June 19-22, 2007. Two new speakers, Nick LaHowchic, formerly Corporate...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #20. Read all articles in this issue For shoe manufacturers in China, it can be cheaper to export product and then import it back into the country than to sell direct to domestic markets. It’s one of the quirks of doing business in emerging markets that...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #20. Read all articles in this issue New England’s leading organization for supply chain professionals has awarded its Academic Achievement Scholarship to a student from the Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The New England Roundtable (NERT) of the...
Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #18. Read all articles in this issue Many of the best practices that underpin supply chain design will become obsolete as rising energy costs force companies to rethink the way they make and deliver products. That was the main message to emerge from the Major Session...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #17. Read all articles in this issue. For many companies future growth will be fueled by emerging markets. More than 80% of the world’s population lives in non-developed countries, offering virtually unlimited potential for business growth. But to capture these opportunities, companies will have to overcome...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #16. Read all articles in this issue. When Hurricane Katrina laid waste to the Gulf Coast region, U.S. disaster relief operations were put to the test. With neighborhoods under water, roads washed out and lives on the line, humanitarian agencies were confronted with the logistical challenges...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #16. Read all articles in this issue. In retailing it is almost second nature: stimulate sales of slow-moving items by marking down the price. It is called demand shaping, and companies such as Dell have refined and developed the strategy and are now applying it in...