Supply Chain Frontiers issue #52 MIT CTL Chris Caplice "Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Digitization of Products," Supply Chain @ MIT Blog, January 30 "Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Diversification of Sales Channels," Supply Chain @ MIT Blog, January 16 "Impact of Macro Trends on Supply...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #53 MIT CTL Chris Caplice "Balancing Robustness and Flexibility in Transportation Networks," Supply Chain Brain, April. With Francisco Jauffred. Jim Rice "Perseverance Pays in the Innovation Game," Supply Chain Management Review Innovation Strategies column, May/June. With Ashley Dorna. "An Initial Exploration of port capacity bottlenecks in...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 How do you put a value on avoiding a problem that seemingly no longer exists because you’ve already spent money on eliminating it? This is the classic Catch-22 dilemma faced by many corporate security managers when trying to justify further investments in steeling the supply...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. ¿Cómo se fija el valor de la prevención de un problema que parece que ya no existe porque ya se ha dedicado dinero a eliminarlo? Se trata del clásico dilema del callejón sin salida con el que se encuentran...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco "Megacity Logistics Lab: Santiago," UNAB, Santiago de Chile, Chile, sponsored by MIT-Chile program, July 2. "Megacity Logistics: The Supply Chain Frontier," DHL Public Policy Forum, Washington DC, US, July 16. "Logistica & Cadena de Suministro en Mercados Emergentes," Diplomado en Enseñanza...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Supply Chain Frontiers en español, n.º 50: presentaciones MIT CTL Edgar Blanco «Megacity Logistics Lab: Santiago», UNAB, Santiago de Chile (Chile), patrocinado por el programa del MIT-Chile, 2 de julio. «Megacity Logistics: The Supply Chain Frontier», Foro de Política...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #49 For many companies, supply chain innovation (SCI) is a key source of competitive advantage. Yet there is no clear, commonly accepted definition of the concept; one company’s SCI is another company’s process improvement. A forthcoming white paper from the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #49 MIT CTL Chris Caplice “Transportation Reliability,” The 17th Annual Northeast Trade & Transportation Conference, Newport, RI, US, April 2. “Optimal Transportation Portfolio Assignment,” 2013 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research, San Antonio, TX, US, April 8. “Recent Changes in Global Supply Chains and...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #49. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Para muchas empresas, la innovación en la cadena de suministro (SCI) representa un elemento fundamental en términos de ventaja competitiva, aunque aún no existe una definición clara y generalmente aceptada del concepto. La SCI de una empresa es la...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #49. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones de 2013 sobre la cadena de suministro de Frontiers, n.º 49 MIT CTL Chris Caplice «Transportation Reliability», 17.ª Conferencia Anual sobre Negocios y Transportes en el Noreste, Newport, RI (EE. UU.), 2 de abril. «Optimal Transportation Portfolio Assignment»...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Gran parte del inmenso sector agrícola de la India tiene sus raíces en comunidades rurales, y lo fundamental para que pueda desarrollar todo su potencial comercial es conectar a los agricultores con los mercados internacionales, lo cual requiere una...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones de 2012 sobre la cadena de suministro de Frontiers, n.º 47 MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen «Supply Chain Visibility (Mapping)», avance en la gestión de riesgos de la cadena de suministro: retos emergentes y estrategias, campus del MIT, Cambridge...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 Much of India’s vast agricultural sector is rooted in rural communities, and key to realizing its full commercial potential is connecting growers to world markets. That requires a much better understanding of the rural-agricultural supply chains that deliver produce from remote landholdings to consumers. The...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Supply Chain Visibility (Mapping),” Advancing Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Challenges and Strategies, MIT Campus, Cambridge, MA, US, October 10. “Innovative Methods in Building and Managing an SC Center,” panel moderator, Annual Supply Chain Management Directors Conference, Phoenix, AZ, US, October...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El premio a la excelencia en cadenas de suministro del MIT es una nueva beca que se otorgará cada año en la Universidad de Penn State al graduado con mejores resultados en un curso sobre cadenas de suministro. Este...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46 MIT CTL Yossi Sheffi “Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and Driving Growth,” Current Issues II Track, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals annual conference, Atlanta, GA, US, October 1. “Lessons from the Top,” Talents and Leadership: People of Supply Chain Track, Council of Supply Chain Management...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Cadena de suministro Frontiers n.º 46, presentaciones 2012 MIT CTL Yossi Sheffi “Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and Driving Growth”, Current Issues II Track, Conferencia anual del Consejo de Profesionales de la Gestión de Cadenas de Suministro, Atlanta, Georgia, EE...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #44. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El Centro Latinoamericano de Innovación en Logística (CLI) cuenta con nuevo curso de educación ejecutiva que inicia en mayo. Este curso se centra en la superación de los desafíos que implica la logística global y gestión de la...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #44 The Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI) is launching a new executive education course this May that focuses on overcoming the challenges of global logistics and supply chain management in Latin America. CLI developed the course with the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. A...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Instituto para la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro de Malasia (MISI) ha celebrado su primer curso de formación a ejecutivos el 1 y 2 de diciembre de 2011 y continuará con una serie de cursos para el...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 The world population of some two billion Muslims is driving the growth of a global market for halal products that is worth an estimated $2 billion annually. In order to flourish, however, this vast market must be supported by supply chains that comply with Islamic...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43 The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Management (MISI) held its first executive education course from December 1 to 2, 2011, and will announce a series of courses for 2012. December’s Supply Chain Management Basics course was geared toward middle-management supply chain professionals, and included simulation...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #40 CLI Vivian Rangel Castelblanco “CLI’s Carbon Footprint Measurement in Emerging Market Supply Chains: The Colombian Case Research Project,” Sustainable Strategies to Strengthen Your Supply Chain conference, Bogotá, Colombia, March 1. “Carbon Footprint Analysis in Latin America: The Colombian Case,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #40. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones 2011 CLI Vivian Rangel Castelblanco “Carbon Footprint Analysis in Latin America: The Colombian Case,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 22nd Annual POMS Conference, Operations Management - The Enabling Link, Reno, NV, USA, Abril 29 a mayo 2...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39 Almost two decades after integrated demand signals (IDS) technology was introduced to improve supply chain performance, is the process finally on the brink of realizing its full potential? The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL), and the Pennsylvania State University Center for Supply...