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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. Calculating the size of an organization’s carbon footprint can be extremely challenging when complex supply chain networks are involved. To simplify the task, many companies use what is called an initial screening — an approximation of the emission levels...
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Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #27. Read all articles in this issue Mobile phones are moving into supply chain management, particularly in emerging markets where companies need a communications technology that can cover a widely dispersed customer base. In Latin America, for example, mobile phones are improving supply chain visibility in...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #17. Read all articles in this issue. For many companies future growth will be fueled by emerging markets. More than 80% of the world’s population lives in non-developed countries, offering virtually unlimited potential for business growth. But to capture these opportunities, companies will have to overcome...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #17. Read all articles in this issue The future of supply chain management will be a central theme of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ executive education course in January 2007. Presentations by industry thought leader Bill Copacino and expert on the future of work...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #10. Read all articles in this issue. How can organizations prepare for crisis situations such as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? They can build resilient supply chains that are capable of withstanding and recovering quickly from unexpected disruptions. In his book The Resilient Enterprise, published on...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #8. Read all articles in this issue. Ranked First for Fourth Year in a Row For the fourth consecutive year MIT has been ranked first among graduate programs in logistics and supply chain management by US News & World Report. "MIT is consistently ranked as the...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #5. Read all articles in this issue. Fifteen years ago, CAMCO, GE's Canadian appliance joint venture, revolutionized manufacturing: they cut the cycle time for manufacturing stoves, refrigerators, and other white goods from four months to three days. And the new process didn't cost a cent. In...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue. The Center for Transportation and Logistics: Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) program is celebrating its fifth anniversary this May. Created in 1999, the unique program in logistics has become the leader in the field. The number of applicants...