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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39 CLI Isabel Agudelo "Global Trends for the Development of Sustainable Transportation Services," Third National Meeting of Transportation, ENATRANS 2010, Santiago de Chile, Chile. November 3. Andrés Baquero "Reflections on the Development of Logistics Platforms for Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain in Bogota." CODATU, Buenos Aires...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Presentaciones CLI Isabel Agudelo “Tendencias Globales para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Transporte Sostenibles”. Ponente, III Encuentro Nacional del Transporte – ENATRANS 2010. "Los Desafíos de Chile para un Transporte de Primera Clase”, Santiago de Chile, Chile. 3...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 The debate over deep water drilling continues to rage following the Vermillion oil rig explosion in the Gulf of México this September, and BP’s announcement that the cost of its oil spill in the same waters has reached $8 billion. But there is another dimension...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 Amid one of the deepest recessions ever to hit the United States and with the official unemployment rate approaching 10%, companies should have little difficulty retaining key employees. Why then are supply chain leaders citing talent recruitment and retention as one of their top concerns...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Presentaciones CLI Rafael Flórez Barajas Anfitrión y Conferencista, RFID Journal Live! Latam, Bogotá, Colombia. Agosto 31– Septiembre 1. MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen "Ahora que el polvo se ha asentado: lecciones sobre Cadena de Suministro aprendidas de la nube de...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El debate acerca de la perforación de pozos en aguas profundas continua generando controversia, así como la explosión de la planta petrolífera de Vermillion en el Golfo de México en septiembre y el anuncio de BP sobre el costo...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . En medio de una de las recesiones más profundas que alguna vez haya golpeado a los Estados Unidos, y con una tasa de desempleo oficial cercana al 10%, las compañías no deberían tener dificultades conservando a sus empleados...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37 CLI Edgar Blanco Keynote speaker, ICPR Americas, Bogotá, Colombia. July 22, 2010. MIT CTL Edgar Blanco Speaker, EPA Regional Administrators’ Event, Baltimore, MD, USA, July 14, 2010. Chris Caplice “Mind the Gap: Connecting Planning to Operations in Transportation Management,” keynote speaker, 2010 Oracle Transportation Management...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . PRESENTACIONES CLI Edgar Blanco Conferencista Principal en ICPR Americas, Bogotá, Colombia. Julio 22, 2010. MIT CTL Edgar Blanco Conferencista, EPA Evento Administradores Regionales, Baltimore, MD, EEUU, Julio 14, 2010. Chris Caplice “Cuidado con la brecha: Conexión de planificación...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Purchasing is becoming more strategic in nature, so it stands to reason that aligning the function with corporate strategy will improve its performance. In practice, however, the case for such an alignment is not straightforward, and it may even be ill advised in some instances...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Las compras se están volviendo de naturaleza más estratégica, de lo que se desprendería que la alineación de la función con la estrategia corporativa mejorará su desempeño. En la práctica, sin embargo, lograr esta alineación no es tan...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #33. Read all articles in this issue. A major logistics hub is taking shape in Latin America. Panama has embarked upon a far-reaching development plan, and is widening its famous canal to keep pace with the growth in international trade. Students from a new logistics program...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #32. Read all articles in this issue. When it comes to stimulating economic growth, the key to future expansion can sometimes be found in the past. Earlier this decade, the government of Aragón in northern Spain realized that its economy had become too reliant on a...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #31. Read all articles in this issue. The cost of fuel is a major driver of supply chain efficiency, and the increasing volatility of fuel prices can undermine performance if not managed properly. Research at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ (MIT CTL) FreightLab has...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #30. Read all articles in this issue. Supply chain is adjusting to the extreme turbulence that has become the new norm in most markets, but how is it evolving to meet these challenges in a post-recession world? Perhaps towards a role as shock absorber, one that...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #19. Read all articles in this issue. Building energy efficiency into supply chains is not a fringe green issue; rising fuel costs and consumer pressure for environmentally responsible products are forcing companies to rethink supply chain design and management. A one-day conference on the MIT campus...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #14. Read all articles in this issue. America’s aging transportation infrastructure can’t keep up with relentless world trade growth. If it isn’t overhauled, consumers and the U.S. economy will pay a steep price. That was the warning issued by John Bowe, President of The Americas for...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #14. Read all articles in this issue. Cost pressures are fracturing the pharmaceutical supply chain in the United States, but what the reshaped chain will look like is open to debate. One outcome seems certain: the role of drug wholesalers will not be the same. The...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #14. Read all articles in this issue In the year 2025 some 25% of the US population will be over 60 years of age, and an estimated 30% of Europeans will fall into this age bracket. The former USSR will be even grayer; it is estimated...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #14. Read all articles in this issue. Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) 2006 graduate Anne Davidson was awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the New England Roundtable (NERT) of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. By providing recognition and support to students, NERT hopes to...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #14. Read all articles in this issue. Sole-sourcing, or choosing to rely on a small group of core suppliers, offer the benefits of strategic partnerships, but these strategies can also leave companies highly vulnerable in a crisis. Attendees of the 2006 At the Crossroads of Supply...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #14. Read all articles in this issue The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) in Zaragoza, Spain, has been designated the lead center in the country’s new National Center of Excellence in Logistics. The designation affirms ZLC’s status as a major center for supply chain education and research...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #8. Read all articles in this issue. The 2005 Zaragoza Supply Chain Summit is Fast Approaching Please do not forget to register for this major event which this year focuses on a theme that is of vital importance to every enterprise - the future of offshore...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #8. Read all articles in this issue. The Future of RFID on Both Sides of the Pond In March, the European Advisory Council of the SC2020 Project met in Neuss, Germany, at the Future Store, a working supermarket equipped with a range of technological innovations including...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #8. Read all articles in this issue Dell's Unconventional Success Conventional notions of what will and will not work are not always true, said Michael Dell in the February 2005 issue of MIT Supply Chain Frontiers. And that applies to relatively new conventions, such as the...