June 2009

MIT Global Scale Network presents International Workshop on Secure Supply Chain Collaboration

Jun 01, 2009 at 8:00PM - Jun 01, 2009 at 8:00PM

Barcelona, Spain

We would like to invite you to the International Workshop on Secure Supply Chain Collaboration which is taking place in Barcelona on June 2, in parallel to the SIL 2009 Exhibition at the Fira de Barcelona-Gran Vía.

The workshop is open to all those interested in finding solutions to the challenges of data sharing and collaborative supply chain management across supply chain players. This is specifically aimed at reducing costs and securing data privacy. This event will bring together academics and industry experts to present and discuss the results of the SecureSCM project.

May 2009

Webinar: The Coming Revolution in Supply Chain Finance

May 27, 2009 at 8:00AM - May 27, 2009 at 9:00AM

Watch the webinar

Supply chain finance is undergoing a revolutionary change. Today, 30-40% of nearly every company is unprofitable by any measure (accounts, transactions, etc.), and 20-30% of the company is providing 200-400% of the cash flow and reported profits. Supply chain managers can reverse this through astute management of supply chain finance, raising profitability by 30% or more, while reducing risk and generating cash.

In this webinar, Dr. Jonathan Byrnes, Senior Lecturer at MIT describes this opportunity, and outlines how supply chain managers can take the lead in creating these...

MLOG Research Fest 2009

May 19, 2009 at 8:00PM - May 20, 2009 at 8:00PM

MIT Faculty Lounge

Every year, graduating MLOG students present their master’s theses to CTL corporate Supply Chain Exchange Partners. This one and one-half day event is a chance for Partners to hear the results of new student research, much of which has been done with Exchange Partners. This year’s thesis topics will include:

  • Transportation
  • Health Care
  • Green Supply Chain
  • Supply Chain Design and Optimization
  • Inventory
  • Humanitarian Logistics
  • Forecasting
  • Risk Management

April 2009

Webinar: Doom to Boom, What Are We Doing to Prepare for the Recovery?

Apr 29, 2009 at 8:00AM - Apr 29, 2009 at 9:00AM

Watch the webinar

The media has exaggerated the current economic downturn into a colossal, global catastrophe, says Kevin Smith, President & CEO of Sustainable Supply Chain Consulting. Smith will discuss why he believes that the crisis has been overblown and what he thinks the likely outcome will be. Finally, Smith will focus on how you can effectively prepare for the coming economic recovery—and the competitive advantages you can achieve by doing so.

March 2009

Webinar: Recent Research on Carbon-Efficient Supply Chains

Mar 25, 2009 at 8:00AM - Mar 25, 2009 at 9:00AM

Watch the webinar

There is an increasing interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in supply chains. In order to develop successful strategies for these reductions, firms must start by determining their supply chain carbon footprint. However, arriving at a valid metric is not a trivial problem, since it engages multiple stakeholders: consumers, government and supply chain partners.

In this webinar, Dr. Edgar Blanco, Executive Director of the MIT CLI Program in Latin America, discussed the challenges and shared the latest thinking on measuring a supply chain carbon footprint.

February 2009

Webinar: New Perspectives on Managing Risk Across Supply Networks, Symposium Review

Feb 25, 2009 at 7:00AM - Feb 25, 2009 at 8:00AM

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Risk management should be front-and-center on the slate of issues that merit careful attention of CEOs and other business leaders. Failure to address a company’s vulnerability to disruptions can result in catastrophic losses and a potential collapse in customer and supplier confidence. In addition, a firm’s financial performance is linked to its ability to mitigate risk. Firms therefore need to identify and confront their enterprise, financial, and operational risks, and use an integrated approach to manage these risks across the business. Few, if any, companies currently...

January 2009

Webinar: Impact of Energy Price Volatility on Supply Chains

Jan 28, 2009 at 7:00AM - Jan 28, 2009 at 8:00AM

Watch the webinar

Last fall’s dramatic increase in energy prices created major headaches for many supply chain managers, as no one could have predicted such an extreme rise in prices over such a short period of time.

A Roundtable on the Impact of Energy Price Increases on the Global Supply Chain was convened on October 22, 2008, to discuss how partner companies were adapting their supply chain operations to be flexible and agile enough to meet these challenges. When the Roundtable met, however, participants focused on energy price volatility as the main supply chain issue rather than purely...

August 1999

Supply Chain 2020 Executive Workshop

Aug 03, 1999 at 1:14PM

The Supply Chain 2020 Project is a multiyear research initiative conducted by MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL). The purpose of SC2020 is to discover factors that will be critical to success of supply chains in the future. SC2020 has yielded ground-breaking results in a number of key areas in supply chain management, including innovative methodologies for strategy assessment, strategic alignment, and scenario planning. EXECUTIVE WORKSHOP: On February 10, 2010, CTL is offering a workshop to its Supply Chain Exchange partner companies that are interested in implementing some or...

Megacity Logistics Workshop @ MIT CTL

Aug 03, 1999 at 1:14PM



Megacities: the Supply Chain Frontier

Megacities – cities with a population of at least 10 million people – are increasing in both number and size, and their share of world GDP is expected to grow from about 14% to over 20% in a decade. Most of the 23 megacities that currently exist are located in emerging markets.

Up until now research on the megacity phenomenon has centered on the urban landscape, people mobility and managing traffic congestion. MIT CTL’s Megacity Logistics Lab research project focuses on the special supply chain demands of these sprawling urban centers.

This is the third...

Megacity Logistics Workshop @ Santiago

Aug 03, 1999 at 1:14PM

Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago (Chile)

Megacities: the Supply Chain Frontier

Megacities – cities with a population of at least 10 million people – are increasing in both number and size, and their share of world GDP is expected to grow from about 14% to over 20% in a decade. Most of the 23 megacities that currently exist are located in emerging markets.

Up until now research on the megacity phenomenon has centered on the urban landscape, people mobility and managing traffic congestion. MIT CTL’s Megacity Logistics Lab research project focuses on the special supply chain demands of these sprawling urban centers.

This is the...