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  1. MIT Team Wins 2020 Patagonia Case Competition

    … guests. The move to a virtual event was necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, but Raman Grubbs sees it in net positive …

  2. Who Gets What When Supply Chains Are Disrupted?

    … decision criteria and the mechanisms to back them up. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended normal life and many supply …

  3. Supply Chain Exchange Virtual Series: Societal Impacts of COVID-19

    … Coughlin will talk about many of the changes effected by COVID-19 may remain with us long after the pandemic is over. …

  4. Supply Chain Exchange Virtual Series: Reshaping Food and Retail Supply Chains

    … food and retail sectors, analyze the challenges that the COVID-19 crisis has brought to food and retail supply …

  5. Webinar: Coronavirus and the Supply Chain with Professor Yossi Sheffi

    … supply chain impacts to be expected resulting from the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. We will explore how the … more sustained. Moreover, the virus formally known as Covid-19 is affecting both supply and demand, so …

  6. Domestic Labor Issues Pose Hidden Supply Chain Risks

    … increasingly important across global supply chains. The COVID-19 crisis is now making it clear that workplace …

  7. Commentary: Solving the Health-Care Equipment Supply Shortage

    … we struggle to come to terms with the scale of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the most frustrating sights is …

  8. Their Finest Hour - Supply Chain Professionals Bring It

    … hunker down in their homes to isolate themselves from the COVID-19 pandemic, an army of dedicated professionals keeps …

  9. Freight Transportation & the Coronavirus

    … the Coronavirus: This episode centers on the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how the outbreak which originated in Wuhan, …

  10. Resilient S&OP - Supply Chain Exchange Virtual Series

    … and issues related to the coronavirus outbreak. The COVID-19 pandemic is an example – albeit an extreme one …