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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #34. Read all articles in this issue. Companies must keep innovating in order to remain competitive, and an important source of new ideas involves exchanges with suppliers. While identifying and capturing these ideas requires a relationship between the buyer and seller that fosters innovation, many companies...
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CTL Supply Chain 2020 (SC2020) Project is a multi-year research effort to identify and analyze the factors that are critical to the success of future supply chains. This pioneering project will map out the process innovations that will underpin successful supply chains as far into the future as the year...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #32. Read all articles in this issue. Brightstar Corporation started life as a trading company in the mobile phone business, and has since grown rapidly into a full service supply chain organization for wireless network operators and retailers. Company founder and CEO Marcelo Claure recently traced...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #8. Read all articles in this issue. The 2005 Zaragoza Supply Chain Summit is Fast Approaching Please do not forget to register for this major event which this year focuses on a theme that is of vital importance to every enterprise - the future of offshore...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #8. Read all articles in this issue Dell's Unconventional Success Conventional notions of what will and will not work are not always true, said Michael Dell in the February 2005 issue of MIT Supply Chain Frontiers. And that applies to relatively new conventions, such as the...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #7. Read all articles in this issue. Globalization continues to open the door to new markets--and to risks including increasing supply chain complexity and changing cost structures. Two business leaders who have spearheaded the international growth of their companies, David Abney, President, UPS International, and Edouard...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #3. Read all articles in this issue. The latest class in the Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) Program starts this August after a record number of applications for the program. The new students are primarily young business professionals looking to build their skill sets and...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #3. Read all articles in this issue. The traditional practice of including logistics as an elective concentration area within a broader, more general two-year MBA degree has served the industry's needs for several years. However, recent business trends have raised the need for a more specialized...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue. A survey of MIT logistics masters' graduates shows that starting salaries have risen significantly, offering further evidence of the increasing value companies are attaching to the supply chain management discipline. MIT's Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) program was...