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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #7. Read all articles in this issue. What's the biggest problem in supply chain management today? It is that all too often, the mission of the supply chain organization is defined much too narrowly. In most companies, many of the most important elements of supply chain...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #4. Read all articles in this issue. Supply chains do not have nationalities and excellence can be achieved in any part of the world, but there are regional nuances that distinguish supply chain management models in different geographies. These regional disparities emerged during the first meeting...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #3. Read all articles in this issue. The traditional practice of including logistics as an elective concentration area within a broader, more general two-year MBA degree has served the industry's needs for several years. However, recent business trends have raised the need for a more specialized...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #2. Read all articles in this issue No prizes for guessing which major companies tend to be associated with excellent supply chains. But there are lesser known innovators such as the pizza chain Domino's which offers a 30-minute guarantee that is a model for high-speed, build-to-order...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #1. Read all articles in this issue What will supply chains look like 15 years from now and how can corporations be prepared for the new competitive environment? Without time travel there is no sure way of finding out, so the MIT Center for Transportation &...