Ocean Transportation Reliability: Myths, Realities, and Impacts
Most supply chains are global to some degree, which means that you are probably managing a complicated transportation network that crosses a number of borders, uses multiple modes, and involves a variety of third party companies. And it is likely that ocean shipping is a key part of the transportation mix.
How do you monitor and manage the reliability of the vital ocean segment of your global supply chain?
Are you "managing by anecdote" or do you have real data to support the management practices you are using?
This type of data is now available as a result of new research at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL). The research findings offer a deeper understanding of the incentives and performance mechanisms that shippers, carriers and third parties can use to increase the efficiency of ocean transportation.
CTL invites you to explore the research in our webinar: "Ocean Transportation Reliability: Myths, Realities, and Impacts," that took place on February 6th, 2013, at 1:00 pm EDT.
Dr. Chris Caplice and Dr. Basak Kalcanci described and debunked common myths surrounding ocean transportation, using actual transactional data. Additionally, they described the impact that transit time variability has on logistics costs and outline the business case for addressing this variability.
The event, the second in CTL's Advances in Supply Chain Webinar Series, also covers how shippers currently – and, more importantly, how they should – design, procure, and manage their global ocean transportation networks and gauge the impact of ocean shipping on overall logistics costs.