Supply Chain Frontiers issue #60. Lea todos artículos en este asunto
Chris Caplice
“Advances in Education,” Congreso Crossroads 2016, Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos, 23 de marzo.
Yossi Sheffi
“The Power of Resilience,” Congreso Resilinc, San José, CA, Estados Unidos, 24 de febrero.
“The State of Supply Chain Management,” Congreso latinoamericano de Gestores de Cadenas de Suministro, Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos, 21 de marzo.
Matthias Winkenbach
“Last-Mile Visibility,” Congreso Crossroads 2016, Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos, 23 de marzo.
Sang Jo Kim
“The Optimal Policy for Joint Inventory Replenishment and Pricing,” Congreso internacional POMS-HK, Hong Kong, 10 de enero. En colaboración con Youyi Feng y Jianjun Xu.
Rafael Díaz
Ponente en el XXVII Congreso anual de POMS, Orlando, FL, Estados Unidos, 6-9 mayo.
Yossi Sheffi
“Reviving the Reshoring Debate,” publicado en el blog Linkedin Influencer, 14 de enero.
“Stock Prices Have Followed Oil Off a Cliff. What’s Happening?” publicado en el blog Linkedin Influencer, 1 de febrero.
Rafael Díaz
“Analyzing a lost-sale stochastic inventory model with Markov-modulated demands: A simulation-based optimization study,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, (2016) Vol. 38, pp. 1-12. Con Bailey, M.P., Kumar, S.
“Emergency Department Frequent Utilization for Non-Emergent Presentments: Results from a Regional Urban Trauma Center Study,” PLoS ONE (2016) Vol 11 (1): e0147116. Con Behr JG, Diaz R.
“Modeling chronic disease patient flows diverted from emergency departments to patient-centered medical homes,” IEE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. Vol. 5, 2015, pp. 268-285. Con Behr J. Kumar, S. Britton B.
Maria Sáenz
“Scenario Planning: Preparing the Future of Global Supply Chains”. Designing and Implementing Global Supply Chain Management, Chapter No. 4, pp. 51-91, December 2015, IGI Global Book. Con Boyonas, M.I. Olavarría L.
Susana Val
“Public private partnerships for Mediterranean port-hinterland development. Perspectives and recommendations for the competitiveness of Mediterranean ports,” Outcomes of the FUTUREMED strategic project of the EU MED Programme. Chapter 4, pp 52-6, 2015. Maggioli Editore. Con Roldan J.F.