Publication Date

Supply Chain Frontiers issue #49

Supply Chain as Future Enabler is the theme of the 2013 Crossroads conference, the industry’s leading forum for new ideas. This year's event, which marks MIT CTL’s 40th anniversary, will take place on June 26, 2013, on the MIT campus, Cambridge, MA. A list of speakers and the draft agenda are available at the web site listed below.

At the event, these leading practitioners will share their experiences of supply chain’s future-enabling role:

  • Tom Linton, Chief Procurement & Supply Chain Officer, Flextronics, will talk about how technology, regionalization, and reshoring are driving the evolution of supply chains.
  • Jim Cafone, Vice President, Pfizer, will share Pfizer’s leadership in leveraging cloud computing in the supply chain.
  • Randy Strang, Vice President, Customer Solutions, UPS, will give an overview of the supply chain challenges with which fast-moving omni-channel retailers are grappling.
  • Mani Janakiram, Director, Supply Chain Strategy, Intel, and Raja Doddala, New Business Innovation, 7-Eleven, will talk about the changes that are reshaping their industries and SCM’s key role as a change enabler.
  • Chris Caplice, Executive Director, MIT CTL, will start the day with an overview of the evolution of supply chain over the past 40 years.
  • Jim Rice, Deputy Director, MIT CTL, will share current research on supply chain innovation and some pathways toward organizing and pursuing innovations that can improve business performance and create competitive advantage.

Attend the 2013 Crossroads conference and gain exclusive access to the ideas that define the future of supply chain management.

To register and find out more information including the draft agenda go to: