Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue.
As part of a groundbreaking port resiliency research project, MIT CTL is asking a wide cross-section of port users and stakeholders in the United States about the vulnerabilities of the country’s port system.
MIT CTL researchers are working to develop ways to make the maritime transportation system – in particular port operations – resilient to disruptions. The research captured input from practitioners to help focus and guide the research. To MIT CTL’s knowledge, this is the first survey of its kind.
MIT CTL is part of the Center for Secure and Resilient Ports, a Homeland Security Department Center of Excellence that is focused on port resilience. The survey results will play a key part in the Center’s research work.
Read more about the MIT Port Resilience Project.
For more information on the survey and the port resilience research work, contact Jim Rice, .