April 12, 2012 at 7:30AM - April 12, 2012 at 10:00AM
MIT Campus
(lunch is provided)

Starting and growing a logistics company from 3 to over 300 people, presence in 20 countries and $100 million in revenue is an exciting journey. However, it is not always smooth sailing and requires constant adaptation to changing business and economic landscape. Jim Berlin will provide his perspective on how he manages the company, inspires people and takes on new business opportunities.
Jim Berlin, Founder and CEO of Logistics Plus, Inc.
In 1996 with only three employees, one customer and $120,000 in annual revenue Jim founded a logistics and transportation company - Logistics Plus in Erie, PA. In 2004 Ernst & Young recognized Jim as Western Pennsylvania’s “2004 Entrepreneur of the Year” and in 2008 Logistics Plus was recognized by The Wall Street Journal as one of the 35 Top Small Workplaces in America.
Today, Logistics Plus has grown to more than 200 employees with offices in 20 countries and over 300 customers in nearly 50 countries. The company realized $100 million in revenues in 2011.
Jim, although a New York City native, since relocating to Erie, PA has been very active in the local community. He invested in the Erie community’s economic development with renovations of an 80-year-old former train station as the company’s global headquarters.
Prior to starting Logistics Plus, he worked for 20 years at trucking companies – TNT and USF.
Fun facts: Jim used to be a 60’s radical and spent 6 months at a Palestinian training camp, was a member of the Central Committee of Young Communist League and during his time at TNT/USF he was a teamster and union organizer.