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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51

Developing sustainable transportation solutions for second-tier cities in Asia, Latin America, and the Mediterranean region of Europe is the focus of a research project funded by the European Commission. A number of research centers are participating in the project, including the Zaragoza Logistics Center, Zaragoza, Spain.

Called SOLUTIONS (Sharing Opportunities for Low-Carbon Urban Transportation), the project’s overall mission is to “support the uptake of innovative sustainability mobility solutions” in the target regions of the world. The work will focus primarily on policy and the assessment of implementation process, and to this end, produce transferability guidelines designed to facilitate the adoption of transportation solutions. The cities selected for the initial phases of the project represent a range of comparable urban environments.
  The project is scheduled for completion in April, 2016. Dr. Susana Val, Principal Investigator Transport Research Group and Associate Research Professor at ZLC, is the project’s Main Researcher at the center.
  ZLC is involved in a number of multi-party research projects. These include CASSANDRA (improving supply chain security), CO3 (using horizontal collaboration to promote sustainability in freight transportation), FUTUREMED (to identify growth opportunities and implement sustainable strategies for port region in the Mediterranean region), and SoCool@EU (to foster regional competitiveness and development).  These projects were featured at ZLC’s Innovation Week from October 21 to 25, 2013.
  For more information on SOLUTIONS or any other research project at ZLC, contact the center’s marketing manager, Cristina Tabuenca (