Supply Chain Frontiers issue #33. Read all articles in this issue.
Global technology company Hewlett-Packard (HP) has become a member of the MIT CTL Supply Chain Exchange.
HP offers the world’s broadest range of IT products, with revenues in excess of US$120 billion and business operations in more than 170 countries. A leading innovator in electronics products, in June the company unveiled the world’s first web-connected home printer that features an entirely new web-based printing platform.
HP is one of five companies that have joined the Exchange so far in 2009; others are Transplace, Heineken USA, Maersk Logistics, and Tempus Group. David Riquier, head of Corporate Outreach for MIT CTL, believes that the Exchange program is academia’s largest and most active corporate membership program in the supply chain domain.
View the full list of Exchange member companies. For more information, contact Bob Vaz.