By Andrea Carter
Andrea Carter has more than 20 years experience as a human resources professional, including responsibility for developing supply chain talent. This column is based on a talk she gave at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. She is currently Vice President of Human Resources at a global apparel company.
People often frame professional development as a climb up the career ladder. However, in my experience, this analogy does not accurately reflect reality, particularly in a dynamic profession such as supply chain management.
I would parallel career progression to climbing a rock face. Whether you’re a new recruit or a seasoned practitioner, it is highly unlikely that you will rise through the ranks in a complete vertical ascension. You see, career paths are not narrow, ladder-like pathways; they consist of broad, irregular landscapes. Along the way, you will almost certainly make lateral moves in response to unexpected obstacles, opportunities, and shifting ambitions. While you can—and should—plan the route ahead, it’s important to remain open to change. Here are five pointers that will smooth the way for your ascent.
Read the full article here.(PDF)