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How do the 30,000 parts that make up a car get from the mine to the dealer lot? Why did increased demand for flax seeds cause a shortage of paint? How did two-day shipping go from a pipe dream to standard nearly everywhere? What role will humans play in supply chains increasingly incorporating automation and AI?
Join MIT CTL Director Yossi Sheffi, author of the book The Magic Conveyor Belt: Supply Chains, A.I., and the Future of Work, in conversation with Susan Lacefield, executive editor of Supply Chain Quarterly, for a discussion of how supply chains make our world run—and, for the most part—seamlessly.
Despite their enormous complexity, modern global supply chains, for the most part, operate invisibly to the average consumer, “running in the background” to deliver a cornucopia of goods at affordable prices. The actual workings of supply chains, however, have always been much more complicated. Prof. Sheffi will peel back the layers of supply chains, talk about their pain points and how to make them more resilient, and discuss how technology, including AI, will shape the supply chains and the future of work.