Event Date

January 29, 2020 at 5:00PM - January 29, 2020 at 8:00PM


MIT Campus - Location sent to registrants

MIT SCALE Supply chain students will present their master's research projects at Research Expo on January 29, 2020

The MIT Global Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) Network Research Expo will kick off 100 semester-long research projects conducted by 180 supply chain master's students from 42 countries and their industry partners. The Research Expo is a preview of what the research will reveal in May when final projects are presented. Winning projects will be awarded prizes.

The AWE (Advancing Women through Education) Scholarship will also be awarded at the expo. The scholarship, a full year's tuition awarded annually, is a joint effort between MIT SCM and AWESOME (Achieving Women's Excellence in Supply Chain Operations, Management, and Education) to prepare women for supply chain leadership roles. 

Participating students represent the six MIT Global SCALE Network Centers of Excellence:

Registration has closed for this event.

If you are with a CTL Partner company or a company sponsoring a student research project, and you have not registered yet, or received a confirmation email, contact us at

The Research Expo is hosted by the Institute for Supply Management, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, MIT Supply Chain Management, and the MIT Global SCALE Network.