August 03, 1999 at 1:14PM -
The Supply Chain 2020 Project is a multiyear research initiative conducted by MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL). The purpose of SC2020 is to discover factors that will be critical to success of supply chains in the future. SC2020 has yielded ground-breaking results in a number of key areas in supply chain management, including innovative methodologies for strategy assessment, strategic alignment, and scenario planning. EXECUTIVE WORKSHOP: On February 10, 2010, CTL is offering a workshop to its Supply Chain Exchange partner companies that are interested in implementing some or all of these strategic planning methodologies in their organizations. The Workshop focuses on preparing executive leadership within these companies to understand, plan, and lead a formalized strategic planning process that has the potential for transformative impact on their supply chains and their companies. ATTENDANCE: This workshop will be limited to 25 people from Supply Chain Exchange member companies. Each participating company will be asked to send a team consisting of: • a senior executive responsible for an SBU within the company and • a senior executive responsible for the supply chain of that SBU In addition, it would be desirable to include a senior strategy development professional from the SBU or corporate planning.