
Professor; Director of the PhD Program, Zaragoza Logistics Center
Research Affiliate

Dr. Yasel Costa is an Industrial Engineer from the Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Cuba. He received the Doctor –Ingenieur degree in the prestigious German institution Otto -von-Guericke University.

His research interests cover several topics of Applied Mathematics in decision making: mathematical programming and approximate algorithms for hard combinatorial problems, bio-inspired algorithms, and supply chain optimization, among others.

Some important publications can be found in his CV, including papers in well-known journals like Journal of Cleaner Production, Expert system with Application, Computer & OR, and Transportation Research Part E.

Prof. Costa belongs to the referee staff of many distinguished international journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Expert System with Application, Computer and Industrial Engineering, and Decision Science.

He is currently the Director of the PhD Program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at ZLC and Professor of Supply Chain Management at the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program of Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC).

See more on Dr. Costa's research areas and projects on ZLC's web site.

Yasel Costa headshot

Avenida de Ranillas 5
Edificio 5A (Expo), Planta Baja
50018 Zaragoza Zaragoza