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A hyper-connected network of logistics clusters could play a key role in achieving the European Union’s goal of creating a sustainable, more efficient freight transportation system. An EU-backed research initiative called Clusters 2.0 is laying the groundwork for such a network by developing ways to link freight hubs via the...
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Urban mobility architecture must undergo fundamental change in response to rapidly changing city landscapes. In our book Faster, Smarter, Greener – The Future of the Car and Urban Mobility (MIT Press, September 2017) * we proposed a framework for future passenger mobility which would be Connected, Heterogenous, Intelligent and Personalized...
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Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #61 The shipyard industry involves complex operations and processes, and it is imperative that there is close cooperation both upstream and downstream in the supply chain if yards are to meet the needs of different customers. In addition, the industry is heavily exposed to...
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El sector naval exige operaciones y procesos complejos y es imprescindible que exista una estrecha cooperación en ambos extremos de la cadena si los astilleros tienen que satisfacer las necesidades de diferentes clientes. Además, este sector está muy expuesto al efecto látigo (o bullwhip effect) ya que la variabilidad comercial...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #60. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones CTL del MIT Chris Caplice “Advances in Education,” Congreso Crossroads 2016, Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos, 23 de marzo. Yossi Sheffi “The Power of Resilience,” Congreso Resilinc, San José, CA, Estados Unidos, 24 de febrero. “The State of Supply...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #60 MIT CTL Yossi Sheffi “Reviving the Reshoring Debate,” Linkedin Influencer blog post, January 14. “Stock Prices Have Followed Oil Off a Cliff. What’s Happening?” Linkedin Influencer blog post, February 1. ZLC Rafael Díaz “Analyzing a lost-sale stochastic inventory model with Markov-modulated demands: A simulation-based optimization...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 59. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Las empresas colaboran a menudo con proveedores y clientes para reducir la huella de carbono de las operaciones de transporte de mercancías. El fabricante colombiano Corona y el Centro Latinoamericano de Innovación en Logística (CLI), con sede en...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones MISI Ioannis N. Lagoudis “Scenario-Based High Risk Analysis in Maritime Operations”, ECONSHIP 2015, Chios, Grecia, 24-27 junio. Con N. J. Zompakis, D J Soudris. “Maritime Cluster Attractiveness Index”, IAME 2015,” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24- 26 agosto. Con T...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59 Companies often collaborate with suppliers and customers to reduce the carbon footprint of their freight operations. Colombian manufacturer Corona and the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI), based in Bogotá, Colombia, have teamed up with another important logistics player to lower carbon emissions: the truck...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59 | Lea todos artículos en este asunto MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Quantifying Benefits: Value-at-Risk,” MIT CTL Quantifying Resilience Roundtable, Cambridge, MA, US, October 29 Yossi Sheffi “The Power of Resilience,” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, US, October 16 “Sensing Supply Chain Risks,” Biogen, Cambridge, MA...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Muchos ejecutivos de cadenas de suministro creen en y esperan disponer de una cuota de cargas de camión (CC) única generalmente aceptada para cualquier ruta. Se conoce habitualmente con el nombre de cuota de mercado para una ruta...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #57 Many supply chain executives believe in, and hope for, a single generally accepted truckload (TL) rate for any given lane. This is typically referred to as the market rate for a lane, and is found by taking the average or median of a sample of...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #55 The Malaysia Institute of Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) in Shah Alam, Malaysia, is working closely with InvestKL to promote Malaysia as a global supply chain hub, and to persuade leading multi-national companies to locate their supply chain operations in the country. InvestKL is an agency...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 55. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Instituto para la Innovación de las Cadenas de Suministro de Malasia (MISI) en Shah Alam trabaja estrechamente con InvestKL para promocionar Malasia como centro global de cadenas de suministro y para persuadir a las multinacionales líderes para...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #54 How does a supply chain keep on improving in a changing competitive environment? There is no single answer, but two key elements in the quest for continuous improvement are technology and talent. Technology appears to be developing at a faster rate that it can be...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 54. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. ¿De qué forma una cadena de suministro puede seguir mejorando en un entorno competitivo cambiante? No hay una sola respuesta, pero la tecnología y el talento son los dos elementos clave en la búsqueda de la mejora continua...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 52. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Un proyecto final GCLOG (certificado de posgrado en logística y gestión de la cadena de suministro, Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management) encaminado a encontrar la solución óptima de transporte para un exportador de azúcar brasileño...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #52 A GCLOG (Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management) capstone project to find the optimum transportation solution for a Brazilian sugar exporter underlines the importance of supply chain management as a component of business strategy. Author of the project, Vanessa Azevedo, is studying for...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 Large banks represent a weak link in the financial supply chain for small and medium sized (SME) enterprises in Asia. The problem also hinders the physical supply chain in that SMEs are key drivers of business growth in the region. The Malaysia Institute for Supply...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 A team of students from the MIT SCALE Network’s four supply chain management graduate programs took first place at the finals of the 5th annual Global Challenge of The Fresh Connection, a supply chain simulation competition designed to engage participants in making strategic and tactical...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Un equipo de estudiantes de los cuatro programas de posgrado en cadena de suministro de la red SCALE del MIT ganó la final del 5.º Reto Global de The Fresh Connection, un concurso de simulación de la cadena de...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Los grandes bancos representan un eslabón frágil en la cadena de suministro financiera para las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en Asia. El problema también obstaculiza la cadena de suministro física, ya que las pymes son motores clave del...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #49 Spain's first Information Technology and Communications demonstration center for the logistics industry was inaugurated in Zaragoza, Spain, on April 15, 2013. The facility was launched by ITA - The Aragónese Institute of Technology- in collaboration with the Government of Aragón and the Ministry of Industry...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #49. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El primer centro de demostraciones en materia de tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones para la industria logística fue inaugurado en Zaragoza Zaragoza, España, el pasado 15 de abril de 2013. La instalación se ha puesto en marcha...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El premio a la excelencia en cadenas de suministro del MIT es una nueva beca que se otorgará cada año en la Universidad de Penn State al graduado con mejores resultados en un curso sobre cadenas de suministro. Este...