Publication Date

Supply Chain Frontiers issue #60


Yossi Sheffi

“Reviving the Reshoring Debate,” Linkedin Influencer blog post, January 14.

“Stock Prices Have Followed Oil Off a Cliff. What’s Happening?” Linkedin Influencer blog post, February 1.


Rafael Díaz

“Analyzing a lost-sale stochastic inventory model with Markov-modulated demands: A simulation-based optimization study,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, (2016) Vol. 38, pp. 1-12. With Bailey, M.P., Kumar, S.

“Emergency Department Frequent Utilization for Non-Emergent Presentments: Results from a Regional Urban Trauma Center Study,” PLoS ONE (2016) Vol 11 (1): e0147116. With Behr JG, Diaz R.

“Modeling chronic disease patient flows diverted from emergency departments to patient-centered medical homes,” IEE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. Vol. 5, 2015, pp. 268-285. With Behr J. Kumar, S. Britton B.

Maria Sáenz

“Scenario Planning: Preparing the Future of Global Supply Chains”. Designing and Implementing Global Supply Chain Management, Chapter No. 4, pp. 51-91, December 2015, IGI Global Book. With Boyonas, M.I. Olavarría L.

Susana Val

“Public private partnerships for Mediterranean port-hinterland development. Perspectives and recommendations for the competitiveness of Mediterranean ports,” Outcomes of the FUTUREMED strategic project of the EU MED Programme. Chapter 4, pp 52-6, 2015. Maggioli Editore. With Roldan J.F.