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List of presentations cited in Supply Chain Frontiers #66 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #66 CTL Yossi Sheffi “Logistics Clusters: Formation, Growth and Impact,” Cone Multimodal Conference, Recife, Brazil, March 12. “The Environmental Balance,” Intermodal Expo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 13. “Risk and Resilience Management for Competitive Advantage,” BASF...
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The Luxembourg Center for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL) has launched its executive education program with a two-day workshop on Supply Chain Financial Analysis. The workshop, which took place on November 9 and 10 2017 at the University of Luxembourg, bridged the gap between finance and supply chain by...
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List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #64 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #64 | Regresar a Supply Chain Frontiers en Español #64 CTL Matthias Winkenbach "Classification of last-mile delivery models for e-commerce distribution – a global perspective”, M. Janjevic and M. Winkenbach...
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MISI continues its series of webinars with a talk on June 16, 2016 by Dr. David Gonsalvez, MISI CEO and Rector, on innovations in the supply chain. The talk will cover past and present innovations, as well as new developments on the horizon that could change the way supply chains...
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El Instituto para la Innovación de Cadenas de Suministro de Malasia (MISI) continúa su serie de seminarios web con una charla sobre innovaciones en cadenas de suministro que expondrá el Doctor David Gonsalvez, CEO y Rector del MISI, el 16 de junio de 2016. La charla tratará sobre innovaciones presentes...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 59. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Los profesionales especializados en cadenas de suministros que deseen mejorar sus dotes de liderazgo se deben inscribir en el próximo curso de formación para ejecutivos: Gestión de la cadena de suministro: impulsar la ventaja estratégica organizado por el...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones MISI Ioannis N. Lagoudis “Scenario-Based High Risk Analysis in Maritime Operations”, ECONSHIP 2015, Chios, Grecia, 24-27 junio. Con N. J. Zompakis, D J Soudris. “Maritime Cluster Attractiveness Index”, IAME 2015,” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24- 26 agosto. Con T...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59 Supply chain professionals who want to step up their leadership skills should register for the next MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) Executive Education Course, Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage, scheduled for January 16, 2016 to January 22, 2016, at the MIT...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59 | Lea todos artículos en este asunto MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Quantifying Benefits: Value-at-Risk,” MIT CTL Quantifying Resilience Roundtable, Cambridge, MA, US, October 29 Yossi Sheffi “The Power of Resilience,” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, US, October 16 “Sensing Supply Chain Risks,” Biogen, Cambridge, MA...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #54. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Supply Chain Frontiers, n.º 54: Presentaciones 2014 MIT CTL Jim Rice «Port Resilience and Emerging Decision Framework Toolkit», USCG Sector San Francisco, San Francisco (California, EE. UU.), 3 de julio. «Port Resilience and Emerging Decision Framework Toolkit», USCG Sector...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #54 A premium coffee company in China has an extensive distribution network that delivers product seven days a week. Yet the average daily stock-out rate in stores located in high-density urban areas is 40% for food items. How can the company fix this supply chain problem...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #54 The rapid growth in digital business is a major development in the supply chain management domain, and these will be explored in an MIT CTL roundtable titled Doing Business Digitally: Practical Implications on Downstream Supply Chains on the MIT campus, October 16, 2014. The primary...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #54 MIT CTL Jim Rice “Port Resilience and Emerging Decision Framework Toolkit, USCG Sector San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 3. “Port Resilience and Emerging Decision Framework Toolkit,” USCG Sector Houston, TX, USA, July 8. “Big Data and Innovation – Resilience in America’s Ports,” American...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 54. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El rápido crecimiento de los negocios digitales es un importante avance en el campo de la gestión de la cadena de suministro, y es lo que se debatirá en la mesa redonda del MIT CTL titulada Doing Business...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 54. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Una empresa de café de alta calidad de China tiene una amplia red de distribución que distribuye el producto siete días a la semana. Sin embargo, la tasa media diaria de escasez de existencias en las tiendas situadas...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #53. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Supply Chain Frontiers, n.º 53: Presentaciones 2014 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco «Megacity Logistics», curso de formación para ejecutivos del MIT CTL Gestión de la cadena de suministro: cómo impulsar la ventaja estratégica, Cambridge (Massachusetts, EE. UU.), 12 de junio...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #53 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco "Megacity Logistics," MIT CTL Executive Education Course Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 12. Chris Caplice "Supply Chain Distribution," MIT CTL Executive Education Course Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 10. Jarrod Goentzel...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 52. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Supply Chain Frontiers , n.º 52: Presentaciones MIT CTL Yossi Sheffi «Supply Chain Management in the Future», Stifel Transportation and Logistics Conference, West Palm Beach (FL, EE. UU.), 11 de febrero. «Logistics Clusters as a Jobs Engine», TMP...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #52 MIT CTL Chris Caplice "Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Digitization of Products," Supply Chain @ MIT Blog, January 30 "Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Diversification of Sales Channels," Supply Chain @ MIT Blog, January 16 "Impact of Macro Trends on Supply...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 Twenty-five senior managers from Kazakhstan Zemir Zholy (KTZ), the national railway company of Kazakhstan, were schooled in intermodal transportation at a one-week executive education course organized by the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC). The course took place on June 17-21, 2013, and was co-taught by Dr...
Publication Date
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza, Spain is 10 years old, and is planning a series of events to mark this important milestone. Since ZLC’s inception in 2003, both the Center and PLAZA – Europe’s largest logistics park – have become major centers of logistics...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco "Megacity Logistics Lab: Santiago," UNAB, Santiago de Chile, Chile, sponsored by MIT-Chile program, July 2. "Megacity Logistics: The Supply Chain Frontier," DHL Public Policy Forum, Washington DC, US, July 16. "Logistica & Cadena de Suministro en Mercados Emergentes," Diplomado en Enseñanza...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) de Zaragoza (España) ha cumplido diez años, y está planificando una serie de eventos para celebrar este importante acontecimiento. Desde la creación del ZLC en 2003, tanto el propio centro como el PLAZA (el...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Veinticinco gerentes superiores de Kazakhstan Zemir Zholy (KTZ), la empresa nacional de ferrocarriles de Kazajistán, recibieron formación sobre el transporte combinado en un curso de formación ejecutiva de una semana de duración organizado por el Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Supply Chain Frontiers en español, n.º 50: presentaciones MIT CTL Edgar Blanco «Megacity Logistics Lab: Santiago», UNAB, Santiago de Chile (Chile), patrocinado por el programa del MIT-Chile, 2 de julio. «Megacity Logistics: The Supply Chain Frontier», Foro de Política...