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List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #64

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Matthias Winkenbach

"Classification of last-mile delivery models for e-commerce distribution – a global perspective”, M. Janjevic and M. Winkenbach, 10th International Conference on City Logistics, Phuket, Thailand, June 14. 

"Classification of last-mile delivery models for e-commerce distribution – a global perspective”, M. Janjevic and M. Winkenbach, X Conferencia Internacional sobre Logística en la Ciudad, Phuket (Tailandia), 14 de junio.


"Establishing a robust urban logistics network at FEMSA through stochastic multi-echelon location routing",  A.C.J. Snoeck, M. Winkenbach and E.E. Mascarino, 10th International Conference on City Logistics, Phuket, Thailand, June 15.

"Establishing a robust urban logistics network at FEMSA through stochastic multi-echelon location routing", A.C.J. Snoeck, M. Winkenbach y E.E. Mascarino, X Conferencia Internacional sobre Logística en la Ciudad, Phuket (Tailandia), 15 de junio


"Location of urban loading and unloading bays using the hypercube model: Application for Santiago, Chile”, A. Cuevas, R. Giesen, D. Merchán, M. Winkenbach and E. Blanco, 10th International Conference on City Logistics, Phuket, Thailand, June 16.

"Location of urban loading and unloading bays using the hypercube model: Application for Santiago, Chile”, A. Cuevas, R. Giesen, D. Merchán, M. Winkenbach y E. Blanco, X Conferencia Internacional sobre Logística en la Ciudad, Phuket (Tailandia), 16 de junio.


“High-resolution last-mile network design”, D. Merchán and M. Winkenbach, 10th International Conference on City Logistics, Phuket, Thailand, June 16.

“High-resolution last-mile network design”, D. Merchán and M. Winkenbach, X Conferencia Internacional sobre Logística en la Ciudad, Phuket (Tailandia), 16 de junio.


“Megacity Logistics and Data Collaboration”, M. Winkenbach, NCFRP 49 Understanding and Using New Data Sources to Address Urban and Metropolitan Freight Challenges, Irvine, California, June 29.

“Megacity Logistics and Data Collaboration”, M. Winkenbach, NCFRP 49 Understanding and Using New Data Sources to Address Urban and Metropolitan Freight Challenges, Irvine, California (Estados Unidos), 29 de junio.


"Density, Digitalization, Data & Disruption – Challenges in Urban Logistics”, M. Winkenbach, World Economic Forum Working Group meeting on Future Urban and Autonomous Mobility, Boston, Massachusetts, July 14.

"Density, Digitalization, Data & Disruption – Challenges in Urban Logistics”, M. Winkenbach, Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo del Foro Económico Internacional sobre la Futura Movilidad Urbana y Autónoma, Boston, Massachusetts (Estados Unidos), 14 de julio.



Çagri Gürbüz

12th Annual Behavioral Operations Conference, MIT Sloan School of Management, Boston, US, July 12 -14.

12ª Conferencia Anual de Operaciones Conductuales, MIT Sloan School of Management, Boston (Estados Unidos), 12 -14 de julio.


Davide Luzzini

9th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, France, September 13 – 15.

9ª Conferencia sobre Medición del Rendimiento y Control de Gestión, Niza (Francia), 13 - 15 de septiembre.


Maria Saenz

4th International Physical Internet Conference, Graz, Austria, July 4-6.

4ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Internet Físico, Graz (Austria), 4-6 de julio.