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Are we learning to trust self-drive vehicle technology? In January 2018 the AAA released the findings of its latest annual survey of driver attitudes in the US. Sixty-three percent of American drivers report feeling afraid to ride in a fully self-driving vehicle. This is a significant portion of the country’s...
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A hyper-connected network of logistics clusters could play a key role in achieving the European Union’s goal of creating a sustainable, more efficient freight transportation system. An EU-backed research initiative called Clusters 2.0 is laying the groundwork for such a network by developing ways to link freight hubs via the...
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Urban mobility architecture must undergo fundamental change in response to rapidly changing city landscapes. In our book Faster, Smarter, Greener – The Future of the Car and Urban Mobility (MIT Press, September 2017) * we proposed a framework for future passenger mobility which would be Connected, Heterogenous, Intelligent and Personalized...
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Managers can’t improve what they can’t measure. In logistics, the absence of a uniform measurement system coupled with a lack of knowledge about evaluating carbon footprints, makes it difficult to develop effective programs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A project funded by the European Commission called The Logistics Emissions Accounting...
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List of presentations cited in Supply Chain Frontiers #65 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #65 CTL Eva Ponce “Exploring the E-Credentialing Space,” Credentialing Lunch & Learn @ HBP (Harvard Business Publishing), MITx MicroMasters Credential in SCM. Yossi Sheffi “Economic Growth and Logistics Development,” Government of Pernambuco, Brazil, November 28...
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El sector de la educación no es famoso por estar a la vanguardia en innovación pero el pasado junio se alcanzó un nuevo hito en un novedoso programa a través de Internet que abre nuevas vías a la enseñanza profesional. Conocidos como MicroMasters del MITx, el programa forma parte de...
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Groceries need to be stored and transported at different temperatures depending on the nature of each product – so why not rationalize the distribution of these items by accommodating different temperature zones in the same truck? This is the basic rationale of multi-compartment vehicle (MCV) distribution, which is gaining ground...
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Los alimentos tienen que almacenarse y transportarse a diferentes temperaturas según la naturaleza de cada producto. Entonces, ¿por qué no racionalizar la distribución de estos productos estableciendo diferentes zonas de temperatura en un mismo camión? En eso consiste básicamente la distribución de vehículos de varios compartimentos (MCV, por sus siglas...
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The first-ever cohort in MIT’s inaugural online MicroMasters program – consisting of more than 1,100 learners who completed all five of the online courses in supply chain management – received final MicroMasters certificates and were honored at a virtual ceremony on June 20, 2017. Of those learners who opted to...
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El primer grupo, que estaba formado por más de 1100 estudiantes que completaron los cinco cursos a través de Internet, recibieron sus certificaciones finales de MicroMasters y fueron honrados en una ceremonia a través de Internet que tuvo lugar el pasado 20 de junio de 2017 De los estudiantes que...
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El Instituto de Innovación en Cadenas de Suministro de Ningbo de China (NSCIIC) es el único centro de China en el que se puede hacer el examen final del programa MicroMasters. Seis estudiantes de diferentes regiones de China se presentaron al examen final completo el pasado 20 de mayo de...
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The MIT Global SCALE (Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence) Network has launched the MIT-Zaragoza-Ningbo Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management program, or 3C Master’s Program, that gives students a unique opportunity to complete their studies in three continents: Asia, Europe, and North America. The 10-month 3C program...
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How can you leverage the latest supply chain tools, practices, and capabilities to compete more effectively in today’s highly dynamic commercial environment? You can start by attending MIT CTL’s Supply Chain Driving Strategic Advantage, Managing Dynamics & Innovating the Future highly acclaimed executive education course. The course’s combines simulations, case...
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¿Cómo puede Ud. aprovechar las últimas herramientas, prácticas y capacidades de las cadenas de suministro para competir de manera más eficaz en el entorno comercial actual, que es especialmente dinámico? Puede empezar participando en el curso de formación para ejecutivos del CTL del MIT, Cadenas de suministro: Impulsar la Ventaja...
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List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #62 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #62 | Regresar a Supply Chain Frontiers en Español #62 English______________________________________________________________________________________________________ CTL Chris Caplice "Cannibalizing Ourselves Before Others Eat Us: MOOC’s at MIT CTL,” CSCMP Educators Conference, Orlando, FL, USA...
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List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #61 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #61 | Regresar a Supply Chain Frontiers en Español #61 CTL Jarrod Goentzel “Working Capital and Cash-to-Cash Conversion Cycle Introduction,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 8...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 60. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El pasado 20 de enero de 2016, más de 125 estudiantes del máster sobre cadenas de suministro asistieron la octava edición de Noche de Creación de Redes y Exposición Internacional de Investigaciones sobre Cadenas de Suministro de la...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #60 More than 125 supply chain master’s students attended the 8th Annual MIT Global SCALE Network Supply Chain Student Research Expo and Networking Night on January 20, 2016, at the MIT campus. The students showcased their company-sponsored thesis and capstone projects. Each project was displayed as...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 59. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Los profesionales especializados en cadenas de suministros que deseen mejorar sus dotes de liderazgo se deben inscribir en el próximo curso de formación para ejecutivos: Gestión de la cadena de suministro: impulsar la ventaja estratégica organizado por el...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 59. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El consejo de Winston Churchill “nunca desperdicies una buena crisis” tiene ahora más sentido que nunca en el cambiante entorno comercial que existe hoy en día. Según explica el profesor Yossi Sheffi, Director del Centro para el Transporte...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59 Supply chain professionals who want to step up their leadership skills should register for the next MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) Executive Education Course, Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage, scheduled for January 16, 2016 to January 22, 2016, at the MIT...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #59 Winston Churchill’s advice to "never let a good crisis go to waste" is more relevant than ever in today’s volatile commercial environment. As Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, explains in his new book The Power of Resilience: How...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Muchos ejecutivos de cadenas de suministro creen en y esperan disponer de una cuota de cargas de camión (CC) única generalmente aceptada para cualquier ruta. Se conoce habitualmente con el nombre de cuota de mercado para una ruta...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentes en cualquier lugar MIT CTL Edgar Blanco “Megacity Logistics,” Supply Chain Management Driving Strategic Advantage, Curso de Formación Ejecutiva del MIT CTL, Cambridge, MA (EE.UU.), 11 de junio Chris Caplice "Preparing for the Future" Fort Worth, TX para...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #57 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco “Megacity Logistics,” Supply Chain Management Driving Strategic Advantage, MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 11 Chris Caplice "Preparing for the Future" Fort Worth, TX for BNSF AVP Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, US, "Transportation Modeling and Trends" Chainalytics...