Publication Date

Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51

The next MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics Crossroads conference will take place on March 25, 2014, on the MIT campus, Cambridge, MA.

Launched 10 years ago to explore the intersection between supply chain and corporate strategy, this annual event has become a leading platform for new thinking in supply chain management.

Reflecting a decade of incredible change and the prospect of even more dramatic changes over the next 10 years, experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will convene at Crossroads 2014 to map the evolutionary path of innovations that promise to reshape the supply chain landscape. 

Professors Sam Madden, Abel Sanchez, Sanjay Sarma, and Julie Shah will talk about the future of big data, cyber security, online education, and robotics respectively, and MIT researcher Skylar Tibbits will present the latest developments in 3D/4D printing and programmable materials.  Look out for the full agenda soon.
  For more information on Crossroads 2014, visit or contact MIT CTL deputy director, Jim Rice