Publication Date

Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50

The Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation’s (CLI) class of 2014 spent three weeks at MIT this July for their first session of the Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management  (GCLOG) program.

This year’s CLI class consists of 39 students from 17 universities across Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador, making them the largest SCALE class yet.

While at MIT, the students attended lectures and classes. They also kicked off their capstone research projects, which they will continue to work on throughout the year. They will return to MIT in January 2014 to complete the second session of the program and present their finished capstone projects at Research Expo 2014.

For information on attending the 2014 Research Expo contact Dr. Bruce Arntzen, Executive Director of the SCM program. For information on the GCLOG program contact the program's Director Dr. Roberto Perez-Franco.