Publication Date

Supply Chain Frontiers issue #43

The Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (MSCM) Program offered by the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Management (MISI) is open for applications from qualified candidates.

Based on the top-ranked curriculum created by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, MSCM is a world-class supply chain degree taught in a truly global setting. The nine-month program teaches the latest problem-solving and change leadership methods, with an emphasis on meeting the challenges of designing, building, and managing supply chains in a highly competitive business environment. A strong partnership among academia, industry, and government supports the program.

MISI is located in the city of Shah Alam, about 15 miles outside of Kuala Lumpur, and is home to the largest and busiest port in Malaysia, Port Klang. Students have the opportunity to interact and learn from faculty, researchers, and fellow students from around the globe.

All MSCM applications are for fall-term admission. The program has three admissions rounds:

Round I Deadline: December 15, 2011
Round II Deadline: February 15, 2012
Round III Deadline: May 15, 2012

Candidates should apply as soon as possible.

For more information and to register, go to: Also feel free to contact MISI at