Publication Date

Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38

The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) will introduce a course on finance and supply chain management this fall.

This new course links supply chain management to the financial systems and objectives of the corporation. It aims to provide supply chain professionals with the basic knowledge and tools they need to assess and communicate the impact of the supply chain in the language of finance. The students will learn how the supply chain creates value for both shareholders of the company and the stakeholders who are affected by its operations.

The course will offer lectures and cases based on manufacturer, distributor, and retailer perspectives. Students will be encouraged to take an analytical approach to identify challenges and assess opportunities as they learn to translate between the language of finance and the language of operations. Topics include: supply chain valuation, activity-based costing, cash flow projections, working capital management, trade finance, and environmental and societal sustainability.

For more information on the new course, contact Dr. Jarrod Goentzel, Executive Director, MIT Supply Chain Management Program, at email:, or telephone: +1 617 253 2053.